
Google Analytics Goals

You are Internet Marketer, Online store owner or freelancer. Everyone uses Google Analytics Goals to track their Conversions.
Our goals add-on helps you to identify the Analytics of your goals within WordPress. heck, Yes. You can see all your Goals stats inside WordPress in once instance.

Features & Functionality

Would you like to add something new to this add-on. Send email to support at

Generate UTM URLs

Create your Goals in Google Analytics

We recommend to create your goals in Google Analytics->Admin, select your website profile. Set whatever type of goals you want to create and showcase them (to your clients) on your WordPress site by using our add-on.

Track UTM Campaigns

Google Analytics Goals Dashboard

Our Goals dashboard is a simplified way to showcase the covnersions to your clients.

The days are over when you or your client have to go to Google Analytics and spend a huge amount of time finding a report. We have brought everything inside WordPress Dashboard. And report in a way you understand, that makes sense.

Track, Analyze and optimise your content

Setup takes 60 seconds flat. What are you waiting for?