
Streamline Google Analytics Goal Tracking

Analytify simplifies Google Analytics goal tracking for your WordPress website. Set up goals easily that align with your business objectives, whether it's driving signups, increasing sales, or boosting engagement. See exactly which marketing campaigns are converting visitors into paying customers. Analytify translates raw data into easy-to-understand reports, highlighting performance trends and user behavior patterns.

Our Analytics Goal Tracking Add-On Features

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Generate UTM URLs

Create your Goals in Google Analytics

We recommend to create your goals in Google Analytics->Admin, select your website profile. Set whatever type of goals you want to create and showcase them (to your clients) on your WordPress site by using our add-on.

Track UTM Campaigns

Google Analytics Goals Dashboard

Our Goals dashboard is a simplified way to showcase the covnersions to your clients.

The days are over when you or your client have to go to Google Analytics and spend a huge amount of time finding a report. We have brought everything inside WordPress Dashboard. And report in a way you understand, that makes sense.

Track, Analyze and optimise your content

Setup takes 60 seconds flat. What are you waiting for?

Analytify is fully Compatible with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
Buy Analytify Now