
Smart Analytics Campaign Tracking with Analytify

Analytify's campaign tracking add-on for WordPress helps you effortlessly track all your campaigns. From social media campaigns to email marketing pushes, gain a complete picture of your marketing efforts. No more manual tagging or complex setup. Armed with this data, you can finally make data-driven decisions and tweak campaigns that aren't performing, double down on what works, and watch your ROI skyrocket.

Features Of Our Analytics Campaign Tracking Add-on

Analytify Campaign tracking offers advanced features and insights to help you better analyze and understand your store's performance.

Generate UTM URLs

Generate UTM URLs

You can Generate UTM Tags URL Here and use it anywhere you want to track the links.

  • See exactly where your customers come from: Uncover which campaigns are driving the most website traffic, leads, and sales.
  • Focus on what works: Stop wasting resources on ineffective campaigns. Analytify empowers you to identify top performers and double down on winning strategies.
  • Make data-driven decisions: Finally, move beyond guesswork. Optimize your marketing mix based on real data insights to maximize your return on investment.
Track UTM Campaigns

UTM Campaigns Dashboard

Camapaigns dashboard contains a list of all the campaigns you have ran so far using UTM tags parameters. Every campaign is differentiated by its name and contains detailed statistics for each campaign.

The days are over when you or your client have to go to Google Analytics and spend a huge amount of time finding a report. We have brought everything inside WordPress Dashboard. And report in a way you understand, that makes sense.

Track, Analyze and optimise your content

Setup takes 60 seconds flat. What are you waiting for?

Analytify is fully Compatible with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
Buy Analytify Now