Why Choose Analytify for WordPress Analytics?
With over 40,000+ downloads, Analytify is the perfect solution for smart bloggers, shop owners, site managers, writers and editors. You'll love it too!
Making it Easy
Google Analytics is too complicated. And guesswork is dangerous. This is the best way to instantly and intuitively understand, track and convert way more customers into paying customers.
Stats Made Simple
Analytify enables non-technical content contributors and editors to instantly analyze the traffic associated with their posts. It’s the quickest and easiest way to get them closer to your audience.
Grow Sales and Conversions
Shop owner because it is the first step of our optimization process. We track, we analyze, we optimize accordingly, and then.
Build your Audience with Valuable Insights.
Energize yourself and your team by sharing success stats that result from their efforts. They’ll thank you for it!
1 Minute WordPress Integration
Setup is so easy, as is integration of campaigns, ecommerce and email alerts easy.
Improves On-page Ranking
Tracking is crucial because it is the first step of our optimization process. We track, we analyze, we optimize accordingly, and then.