
Email Notifications

You want automatic Analytics reports delivered straight to your Client's inbox weekly or monthly? Then look no further, this add-on is specially designed for this purpose. These Analytics reports are in HTML format and renders perfectly in almost any email client.

Top Features Why we are the BEST!

Email Notifications of Google Analytics tracking

Setup weekly or monthly reports

You would enable the Email Notifications Addon on Analytify PRO. It's up to you how you want emails to deliver weekly or monthly. Our plugin will then send you Analytics reports in your inbox.

Select your own metrics

We have a set of metrics e.g General Statistics, Top Pages, Geographic, System, Social Media and keywords Statistics to choose from. Select any metric which you want to include in your email reports.

Beautiful email reports template

We have spent hours in designing this email template. Added images for each country, browser and social media to make it more and more user friendly.

Yes, It works in almost any email client.

Track, Analyze and Optimise Your Content

Setup takes 60 seconds flat. What are you waiting for?