

Analytify’s Core version Changelog


March 10th, 2025
  1. Google Ads module not activating issue when Pro version is active, fixed.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.7.


March 5th, 2025
  1. Google Ads module not activating issue fixed.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.7.


March 5th, 2025
  1. Analytify Paid add-ons (Campaigns, Authors, Easy Digital Downloads, and WooCommerce) are now merged into Analytify Pro as modules. You can directly activate/deactivate these from the Add-ons page.
  2. Introducing a new dashboard for Videos Tracking in the Conversions tab.
  3. Introducing the Google PageSpeed Insights Dashboard in Acquisitions tab to analyze your website’s performance.
  4. Added a User Interests Stats in the Demographics Dashboard for deeper audience insights.
  5. Added Conversion Rate stat in WooCommerce and EDD dashboards.
  6. Removed deprecated Google Optimize add-on.
  7. Added First Purchasers stat in WooCommerce and EDD dashboards.
  8. Introducing a new filter to hide specific navigation tabs from Analytify dashboard: analytify_filter_navigation_items
  9. Introducing a new filter to customize the Introduction message in Analytify Email Reports: analytify_custom_email_message
  10. CSV Export options not working for WooCommerce dashboards.
  11. Fixed the “View All” links in the Woocommerce Dashboard.
  12. Security Fix: Missing Authorization to Authenticated (Subscriber) setting change.
  13. Added a notice to inform users that reporting is disabled when “Test Email” is triggered with Email Reporting turned off.
  14. Minor bug fixes and code improvements.


Feburary 4th, 2025
  1. Mobile logos missing in System Stats section on Overview Dashboard.
  2. Translation loading too early issue in WP 6.7.0.
  3. Security Fix: Missing Authorization to Authenticated (Subscriber) export_settings.
  4. Updated ECharts library to the latest version 5.5.1.
  5. Email Reports Dark Mode style fixes.
  6. Removed deprecated Google Optimize add-on.
  7. CSS improvements for charts.
  8. Minor bug fixes and code improvements.


November 6th, 2024
  1. Removing Google Analytics V3 Library from the plugin completely.
  2. Disable Front end Stats Option for GA4 and will remove in next releases. Shortcodes will work though.
  3. Divi Theme Conflict Issue.
  4. Fetch_log Security issue.
  5. GA3 removal from core, pro and all addons.
  6. Email Reports style improved for Dark Mode.
  7. Resolved the error occurring on activating the Email Notifications add-on.
  8. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


September 11th, 2024
  1. UI improvement in Opt-out form.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.6


September 10th, 2024
  1. Rank Math plugin conflict fixed.
  2. Security Fix: Fixed Opt-out and Opt-in consent.


August 22nd, 2024
  1. TikTok plugin conflict fixed.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.6


August 21st, 2024
  1. Security Fix: Nonce and High User Permission in Opt-Out Action fixed.
  2. Google Search Console URL and Domains Match.
  3. Compatible to WordPress 6.6


July 30th, 2024
  1. Rollback Google SDK causing issues on many sites.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.6


July 24th, 2024
  1. Added Google Search Console (GSC) visitors, CTR, clicks in email notifications.
  2. Google SDK Updated.
  3. Compatible to WordPress 6.6


April 25th, 2024
  1. Single stats email bugfix and improvement.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.5


April 17th, 2024
  1. Login nonce applied on authenticating Analytify with Google Analytics account.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.5


March 27th, 2024
  1. Logout nonce applied on disconnect Analytify with Google Analytics.
  2. Made readable some parts of the diagnostic log.
  3. Compatible to WordPress 6.5


March 4th, 2024
  1. End Date Selection on edit pages/posts analytics section.
  2. Introducing Google Ads Conversion Tracking Module in Analytify Pro. Track your Google Ads conversions in Google Analytics.
  3. Custom Gutenberg block in Analytify Pro for creating ShortCodes. Google Analytics 4 Compatible.
  4. Introducing locally host Google Analytics GA4 library.
  5. Local analytics library file name will change every day to prevent ad blockers from blocking our tracking script.
  6. Dashboard Layouts have improved responsive interface.
  7. RankMath Pro compatibility with locally host Google Analytics GA4 library.
  8. Improved Turkish translation.
  9. Compatible to WordPress 6.4
  10. Compatible with PHP 8.2.10


January 22nd, 2024
  1. Introducing Google Ads Conversion Tracking Module in Analytify Pro. Track your Google Ads conversions in Google Analytics.
  2. Custom Gutenberg block in Analytify Pro for creating ShortCodes. Google Analytics 4 Compatible.
  3. Introducing locally host Google Analytics GA4 library.
  4. Local analytics library file name will change every day to prevent ad blockers from blocking our tracking script.
  5. Dashboard Layouts have improved responsive interface.
  6. RankMath Pro compatibility with locally host Google Analytics GA4 library.
  7. Improved Turkish translation.
  8. Translation files updated.
  9. Compatible to WordPress 6.4 and PHP 8.2.10


November 17th, 2023
  1. Settings option added to remove plugin instances from database on uninstallation of the plugin.
  2. User id tracking bug fixed.
  3. Security added for single post email feature.
  4. Minor Style updates for Analytify admin bar icon and general stats section charts tooltip.
  5. Made the compare chart script to only load on relevant pages.
  6. Translation files updated.
  7. Compatible to WordPress 6.4


September 4th, 2023
  1. Settings option added to remove plugin instances from database on uninstallation of the plugin.
  2. Referrers increased to 10 and pagination applied to show 30 records.
  3. Content updates.
  4. Compatible to WordPress 6.3


August 10th, 2023
  1. PHP undefined warnings fixed.
  2. RankMath instant indexing addon conflict fixed.
  3. PHP 8.2.* deprecation notices fixed.
  4. Non Selected sections emailed in reports fixed in Analytify Email addon.
  5. Cache cleared notification behavior changed.
  6. Cache cleared notification behavior changed.
  7. Real time dashboard header section layout changed.
  8. Help Chatbot icon location changed.
  9. Comparison graph problems fixed in Analytify Pro.
  10. No campaigns found message and layout modified in Analytify Campaigns.
  11. WPforms Pro compatibility added in Analytify Forms.
  12. Move to Google Analytics GA4 notice added for GA users.
  13. Compatible to WordPress 6.3


May 30th, 2023
  1. JS console errors.
  2. Mobile layout fixed.
  3. Google Analytics report url.
  4. Comparison graph month view position corrected.
  5. Comparison graph stats on line and bar fixed.
  6. World map ShortCode errors.
  7. AMP addon PHP warnings fixed.
  8. WooCommerce addon PHP warnings fixed.
  9. Stats cache time filter added analytify_stats_cache_time.
  10. EDD addon source/medium UTM Analytics feature added for GA4.
  11. Refresh stats link redirect to the original page.
  12. Necessary spaces added in Analytify page titles.
  13. Changelog button text changed.
  14. Use the saved date from the main dashboard DatePicker.


May 10th, 2023
  1. Fatal error fixed on php 8.2 when closing error log file.
  2. Enable stats/analytics section under posts/pages fixed.
  3. Not all stats section getting refreshed until two clicks after changing date from today to something else.
  4. Yesterday option added in date picker.
  5. Refresh stats link added in admin bar.
  6. Error handling added for js script.
  7. Miscellaneous tracking script added.
  8. Keyword section heading changed.
  9. Images optimized and duplicate images removed from the code.
  10. Backward compatibility added for php 7.2.
  11. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 6.2


April 26th, 2023
  1. Guzzle removed from GA3 Google library.
  2. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 6.2


April 26th, 2023
  1. Guzzle conflict with other plugins using guzzle library.
  2. Error handling when not selected both profile for posts and dashboard.
  3. Campaigns addon active/deactivate state corrected.
  4. Show Analytics under posts/pages to selected user roles.
  5. Guzzle removed from old library.
  6. Exception handling. errors added in logger instead of showing them on page.
  7. Remember date selection feature added on date picker.
  8. Online visitors real-time color changed to light yellow.


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.


June 14th, 2022
  1. Support for Fluent Forms added in Analytify Forms addon.
  2. Link attribution caused multiple pageviews hits in Google Analytics.
  3. Analytify dashboard menu position in WordPress 6.0
  4. Applied esc_url_raw() on add_query_arg() for 404 analytics tracking.
  5. Filter analytify_set_moment_timezone_to_match_wp to use timezone in Analytify dashboard as its set in WordPress settings. i.e match the timezone of datepicker with WordPress timezone.


May 18th, 2022
  1. Download diagnostic log information.
  2. Import and export plugin settings.
  3. Tooltips added for analytics dashboard widget.
  4. Google groups icon is added in analytics dashboard.
  5. Exclude single post/page from tracking analytics.
  6. Server date/time mismatch with local time in calendar dropdown, Props to [@generosus]( for reporting this bug.
  7. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 6.0


April 14th, 2022
  1. Add custom CSS option for dashboard styling.
  2. Email from name was cutting.
  3. gtag.js tracking code was running in GA tracking mode.
  4. Overwriting WordPress dashicons default CSS.
  5. External tooltip links not opening in new tab.
  6. Typo in tooltips.


February 28th, 2022
  1. Added filter to remove Analytics tracking code comments from HTML source
  2. Download/export general stats in CSV file


December 27th, 2021
  1. Fixed the issue with the date picker that was showing incorrect start date.


December 1st, 2021
  1. Add translatable strings in email reports.


November 1st, 2021
  1. Set gtag.js as default analytics tracking method.
  2. Fix the analytics tracking available check.


September 13th, 2021
  1. Add more email recipients now.
  2. Fix date dropdown style.
  3. Send email reports for single post or page.


August 16th, 2021
  1. Improve compatibility with GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.
  2. Set Install Google Analytics tracking code option On by default.


July 29th, 2021
  1. Add compatibility with GDPR compliance plugins, CookieYes and Cookie Notice & Compliance.
  2. Add navigation and animation filters in Analytify dashboard.
  3. Add Notice to acknowledge gtag.js tracking mode.
  4. Compatible to WordPress 5.8


June 21st, 2021
  1. Added the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) tracking to make GA4 Google Analytics 4 Compatible.
  2. Migrate all tracking to gtag.js – recommend by Google Analytics.
  3. Update diagnostic information for additional details.
  4. Update email greeting heading line.
  5. Compatibility with new email note settings field.
  6. Adjust dashboard widget styling.


April 8th, 2021
  1. Add filter to change email notification note.
  2. Update jQuery event triggers.
  3. Update Analytify icon in shortcode.
  4. Make email notification strings translatable.
  5. Make miscellaneous strings translatable.
  6. Fix opt-in screen.


March 12th, 2021
  1. New Analytics Dashboard Layout.
  2. Events Tracking.
  3. Authors Tracking and Dashboard.
  4. Custom Dimensions Tracking.
  5. Affiliates Tracking.
  6. Links Tracking.
  7. Clicks Tracking.
  8. Google AMP Support.
  9. Google Optimize Support.
  10. Forms Tracking for Gravity Forms, WPForms, Contact Form 7, Custom Forms, Formidable Forms, Ninja Forms.
  11. New Settings Page Design.
  12. Enhancement: Upgrade addons page active/deactivate functionality.
  13. Bug Fix: Post edit page reloading on save.
  14. Bug Fix: Avia builder was not able to edit.
  15. Compatibility: Compatible with WordPress 5.7


August 24th, 2020
  1. Fix rest api permission callback issue.
  2. Fix widget addon status on addons page.
  3. Compatible to WordPress 5.5


August 12th, 2020
  1. Fix email reports corn job.
  2. Fix widget addon status on addons page.
  3. Fix social and flag icons.


August 11th, 2020
  1. Add disable email reports option.


August 6th, 2020
  1. Fix email reports corn job.
  2. Fix widget addon status on addons page.
  3. Fix social and flag icons.


July 26th, 2020
  1. Introducing Google Analytics Email Reports in HTML format.
  2. Add fallback method for formating dates in RTL Languages.
  3. Make depth Scroll tracking for all posts/pages.
  4. Update admin notices layout.
  5. Compatible to WordPress 5.4
  6. Compatible to PHP 7.4


February 19, 2020
  1. Manually add UA Tracking code adding capability with Global Site Tag (gtag.js) Tracking method.
  2. Page scroll depth stats.
  3. Datepicker issue when the locale is other than English.
  4. Confliction with WordPress Real Media Library – Media Categories / Folders File Manager plugin.
  5. Confliction with WPC Frequently Bought Together for WooCommerce plugin.
  6. Confliction with Resume Manager – WP Job Manager plugin.
  7. Admin settings layout break with WordPress 5.3 update.
  8. Optin page layout break.
  9. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 5.3


May 2nd, 2019
  1. Layout issue on Campaigns addon.
  2. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 5.2
  3. Confliction with Edit Flow.
  4. Confliction with Huber theme.


February 21st, 2019
  1. Added filter to change Analytics.js source i.e Compatibility with CAOS | Host Google Analytics Locally plugin.
  2. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 5.1

Version 2.2.8

January 21st, 2018
  1. Undefined variable warning.

Version 2.2.7

December 31st, 2018
  1. Subscriber can see the Analytify Page Icon.
  2. Incorrect Google Analytics Returning visitors.
  3. Pagination script updated.
  4. Code improvement.

Version 2.2.0

October 26th, 2018
  1. Better User Experience.
  2. French language added.
  3. Settings Text updated.
  4. New Settings page design.
  5. Better Cache handling.
  6. Error Handling.
  7. Add Error logs.
  8. Code Refactor.
  9. Fix confliction with Music Club Theme.

Version 2.1.21

September 20th, 2018
  1. Fix ModSecurity issue when user use custom Google API Keys
  2. Compare stats when no previous stats available
  3. Fix conflict with Massive Cryptocurrency plugin
  4. Add Instagram icon in Analytics dashboard

Version 2.1.20

19th August, 2018
  1. WPMU Popup Pro CSS Conflict fixed
  2. Code improvement and changed Youtube Video URL for setting up Custom Google Analytics API Keys.

Version 2.1.19

8th August, 2018
  1. Update text for New sessions.
  2. Code improvement

Version 2.1.18

7th July, 2018
  1. Add Filter for Cookie Notice compatibility.
  2. Client Secret removed form debug logs
  3. Code improvement

Version 2.1.17

29th June, 2018
  1. Geographic Stats conflict with Cloudflare.
  2. Refactored Settings JavaScript code.
  3. When Install Google Analytics message when WooCommerce Addon is installed.

Version 2.1.16

24th May, 2018
  1. GDPR Compatible

Version 2.1.15

18th April, 2018
  1. Single Page/Post for Non-English title.

Version 2.1.14

2nd April, 2018
  1. Add ‘Today’ option in date range selection.
  2. Add BounceRate and Avg.Time on top pages section.
  3. Remove Settings meta from database on Uninstall.
  4. Remove Export CSV button on single page/post.
  5. Help logs on Multisite.

Version 2.1.13

21st March, 2018
  1. Remove useless jquery-ui-tooltip dependency

Version 2.1.12

28th January, 2018
  1. Works with WPML query strings for each post and page now.

Version 2.1.11

25th January, 2018
  1. Compatibility with PHP 7.2
  2. Add link to page/post titles.
  3. Fix momentjs deprecation warning

Version 2.1.10

December 11, 2017
  1. Compatibility with the Pro features.
  2. Compatibility with the Pro addon (Google Analytics Forms Tracking) Contact form 7.
  3. Support for Google Analytics Forms Tracking.
  4. Support for Export Google Analytics Stats in .CSV format

Version 2.1.9

November 15, 2017
  1. Update jQuery Chosen
  2. chosen RTL issue
  3. Hungarian Translation
  4. Email stats per page, works with email add-on.
  5. Add an Option in feedback popup: “I upgraded to Analytify Pro” and then warn them that they need both Free + Pro
  6. Nepal flag added
  7. Notice messages for “Empty Profile Selection”

Version 2.1.8

October 12, 2017
  1. Fix momentjs deprecation warning
  2. Improved exception handling
  3. Norwegian language updated.

Version 2.1.7

September 07, 2017
  1. Compatibility with WooCommerce Google Analytics Tracking add-on for Enhanced eCommerce Google Analytics Tracking.

Version 2.1.6

August 11, 2017
  1. Compatibility with Polyglots – Easy to Translatable now for language editors.
  2. All Strings are up-to-date for Translation.

Version 2.1.5

July 27, 2017
  1. update momentjs library to 2.18.1 version
  2. Responsive Dashboard
  3. Fixed conflict with TheEventsCalendar
  4. Code Cleanup and optimzied

Version 2.1.4

July 06, 2017
  1. Polishing zoom feature of WorldMap – Introduced Zoom controls and fixed scrolling issue.

Version 2.1.3

June 08, 2017
  1. Zoom feature is added in the WorldMap.
  2. Compatibility fix #20

Version 2.1.2

May 31, 2017
  1. Advanced shortcode CSS conflict on new Post/Page.
  2. Prevent loading css if admin bar hidden.
  3. Fix bounce rate arrow notification image.
  4. Add link to pages on Entrance/Exit section in analytify dashboard.

Version 2.1.1

April 14, 2017
  1. Average Time on Page stats under pages/posts etc. Thanks to user @danielson79 for this ticket.
  2. Average Session Duration Stats Introduced under pages/posts etc. Thanks again to @danielson79.
  3. Dashboard dropdown menu now remembers your last selection. Thanks to user @areluc for this ticket (*Actually added in V 2.1.0, we missed to note it in changelog).
  4. WooCommerce 3.0: Though its an addon feature, but Analytify core is now compatible to work with WooCommerce 3.0 for Enhanced WooCommerce Analytics.

Version 2.1.0

April 07, 2017
  1. Fixed miscellaneous tracking bug when users are logged-in.
  2. Custom multiple roles access.
  3. Added last 7 and last 14 days option in dashboard dropdown menu.
  4. CustomJS code works for Google optimize setup and other Custom Google analytics tracking code insertion.

Version 2.0.14

March 31, 2017
  1. Date difference on load.
  2. enqueue dashicons css.
  3. Improved UX and fixed few text edits and typos.
  4. Dutch language added.
  5. Norwegian language updated.

Version 2.0.13

February 27, 2017
  1. Norwegian Bokmål Translation added.
  2. Russian Translation added.
  3. New vs Returning cache clear.

Version 2.0.12

February 16, 2017
  1. New vs Returning users had wrong calculation.

Version 2.0.11

February 16, 2017
  1. German Translation Completed.
  2. Replaced Promotion GIF and added a Dismiss button to remove gif forever.

Version 2.0.10

February 14, 2017
  1. Updated .POT file with new content.
  2. Change text-domain instances.
  3. Removed duplicate strings.

Version 2.0.9

February 07, 2017
  1. Fatal error on fetching profiles.
  2. WPML Compatible and Translation ready. Updated .POT file with new content.

Version 2.0.8

January 12, 2017
  1. New Feature in Email addon: Add Agency logo in email notifications extension instead of Analytify’s logo
  2. Compatibility with Email add-on version 1.0.2

Version 2.0.7

January 03, 2017
  1. Setting Menu CSS issue fixed.
  2. Pushed another update that should limit Google API Quota issue.

Version 2.0.6

January 03, 2017
  1. ANALYTIFY_Google_AUTH_EXCEPTION error on quota increase.
  2. code improvement.

Version 2.0.5

January 01, 2017
  1. Improved API queries performance and code optimization
  2. Fixed: Use your own API keys in Advanced Tab.
  3. Validation for date selection at Dashboard page.
  4. Admin Notice when no website is registered to login account
  5. Centre align the errors i.e cleanup interface.
  6. Fixed: Total time on site calculation.

Version 2.0.4

November 20, 2016
  1. Return empty string if there are no roles
  2. Echarts Compatibility issues with jQuery Sortable
  3. By default Setting not loaded on plugin activation
  4. Transients Conflict at loading analytics.js code
  5. Strings getting ready for WPML Compatibility
  6. Added Cross Domain Tracking
  7. Admin bar displays only for selected roles in dashboard tab.

Version 2.0.3

November 05, 2016
  1. PHP 5.3 fatal errors fixed
  2. Warning Notice fix appears in dashboard loading.
  3. Welcome page screenshots updated
  4. Change layout for profiles dropdown selection.
  5. user settings added in debug info.

Version 2.0.2

October 30, 2016
  1. Correct stats for each post/page.
  2. Minor other bug fix.
  3. Plugin log announcement and coupon promotion fixed.
  4. Super admin role check on multisite enabled only.

Version 2.0.1

October 28, 2016
  1. PHP 5.4 fatal error fixed

Version 2.0.0

October 28, 2016
  1. New clean UI design
  2. Changed underlying directory structure
  3. Refactored code
  4. removed traditional analytics js – GA recommends analytics.js
  5. Quick Tabbed navigation. No page reload.
  6. Profile Tab – Hide Profiles list
  7. loading stats with ajax
  8. Our Core plugin is Free and required for all add-ons and pro upgrade.
  9. Page exit and Entrance stats
  10. Social Media Statistics
  11. Anonymize IP Address
  12. Force Analytics Traffic Over SSL
  13. Track User ID
  14. Demographic & Interest Tracking
  15. Help Tab
  16. Diagnostic Info and Error log
  17. Shows Comparison up or down Stats
  18. Every post row has a direct link of Stats which takes to next page screen and takes to stats section.
  19. Enhanced ecommerce Google Analytics for Easy Digital Downloads addon
  20. Google Analytics Campaigns manager addon
  21. Email Notifications addon
  22. Google Analytics dashboard widget
  23. Compatible to WordPress 4.6.1

Version 1.5.5

October 18, 2016
  1. Announcement : Version 2.0 is near & Announcing upcoming price change.

Version 1.5.4

September 09, 2016
  1. Tracking bug
  2. Compatible to WordPress 4.6.1

Version 1.5.3

August 16, 2016
  1. Announcement of 2.0
  2. Compatible to WordPress 4.6

Version 1.5.2

July 16, 2016
  1. Average Session Duration & BounceRate

Version 1.5.1

June 09, 2016
  1. Option to upgrade to Pro version is back
  2. New Coupon added for $10 off

Version 1.5.0

May 10, 2016
  1. 404 error on profile settings
  2. Getting ready for 2.0 update
  3. Compatible with 4.5.2

Version 1.3.2

February 01, 2016
  1. Web Property fix – Important update

Version 1.3.1

January 23, 2016
  1. Fix the Announcement Bug

Version 1.3.0

January 21, 2016
  1. Code Re-factor : Major update

Version 1.2.5

December 24, 2015
  1. Security update

Version 1.2.4

December 24, 2015
  1. Cache Analytify dashboard stats based on Profile selection
  2. Code cleanup and indentation

Version 1.2.3

December 06, 2015
  1. Don’t load statistics for draft/trash/new posts. Load only for Published posts/pages.
  2. Update Notice messages for settings page.
  3. Compatible for WordPress 4.4

Version 1.2.2

November 25, 2015
  1. encoded URL on redirecting after connecting with Google Analytics.
  2. Top Pages option in Dashboard show incorrect values.
  3. Analytify Menu in Admin Bar redirect to wrong page.
  4. Added Cache For Operating System stats, Mobile Devices stats and Top Referrers stats.

Version 1.2.1

November 13, 2015
  1. Added brand new addons page.
  2. Better dashboard loading check.
  3. New Analytify Menu in Admin Bar.
  4. Calendar start date is now post date for per post analytics.

Version 1.2.0

November 10, 2015
  1. 1-Click setup is now available.
  2. Get install access to discount coupon if you share usage data with us.
  3. Multiple bug fix.
  4. Spelling correction. Thanks to the contribution from community, check github.

Version 1.1.1

August 30, 2015
  1. Added Cache for Keywords and Browser stats.
  2. Compatibility with WordPres 4.3

Version 1.1.0

July 10, 2015
  1. Added Cache for Country and City stats.
  2. Announcing WooCommerce Addon.

Version 1.0.7

May 08, 2015
  1. Added Cache for Top pages stats.

Version 1.0.6

April 19, 2015
  1. Added Cache for general stats.

Version 1.0.5

April 06, 2015
  1. Headers modify error on some hosts for some users.
  2. Campaign Analytics menu option added. Teaser for Free users that Campaign tracking will look like the attached screenshot.

Version 1.0.4

March 26, 2015
  1. Avg Time on Page under the post/pages stats was showing AvgSessionDuration. So, It should be AvgTimeOnPage.
  2. Avg Time on Site in Dashboard stats was showing AvgSessionDuration. So, It should be AvgTimeOnPage.

Version 1.0.3

February 21, 2015
  1. Fixed bug showing this error message “Don’t load boxes if no post type is selected”.

Version 1.0.2

January 16, 2015
  1. Fixed issues with post exclude function
  2. Made transition from free to premium version more stable.

Version 1.0.1

January 05, 2015
  1. Minor maintaince build.

Version 1.0.0

January 01, 2015
  1. Initial Release.

Analytify's Pro (Premium) Version Changelog


March 5th, 2025
  1. Analytify Paid add-ons (Campaigns, Authors, Easy Digital Downloads, and WooCommerce) are now merged into Analytify Pro as modules. You can directly activate/deactivate these from the Add-ons page.
  2. Introducing a new dashboard for Video Tracking in the Conversions tab.
  3. Introducing the Google PageSpeed Insights Dashboard in Acquisitions tab to analyze your website’s performance.
  4. Added a User Interests Stats in the Demographics Dashboard for deeper audience insights.
  5. Added UTM Term and UTM Content in the Campaigns Dashboard’s “View Detail Stats” table.
  6. Added Conversion Rate stat in WooCommerce and EDD dashboards.
  7. Added First Purchasers stat in WooCommerce and EDD dashboards.
  8. CSV Export options not working for WooCommerce dashboards.
  9. Minor bug fixes and code improvements.


February 4th, 2025
  1. Google Search Console Report in Acquisition Tab.
  2. Updated ECharts library to the latest version 5.5.1.
  3. Removed deprecated Google Optimize module.
  4. Removed Front end Stats Option for GA4. Shortcodes will work though.
  5. Improved Responsiveness of the World Map for Visitors.
  6. CSS Improvements for charts.
  7. Years section in the Visitors/Views Graph on Overview Dashboard showing no data.


November 6th, 2024
  1. Removing Google Analytics V3 Library from the plugin completely.
  2. Disable Front end Stats Option for GA4 and will remove in next releases. Shortcodes will work though.
  3. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


July 10th, 2024
  1. Social Media GA4 analytics added for gutenberg block editor.Link
  2. World Map analytics script issue fixed and color filter added. Link
  3. License key conflict upgrade issue.
  4. Social Media analytics shortcode for GA4.
  5. Customize color for World Map analytics.
  6. Compatible to WordPress 6.6


April 25th, 2024
  1. WorldMap display shortcode improved.
  2. ShortCodes overall improvement.
  3. Google Optimize settings error in Console log.
  4. Conflict with Yoast SEO score analytics function.
  5. Compatible to WordPress 6.5


January 22nd, 2024
  1. Introducing Google Ads Addon, You can now track your Google Ads conversions with Analytify Pro.
  2. Custom Gutenberg block for creating Analytify ShortCode.
  3. Filter Added for type of Comparison chart.
  4. csv downloads incorrect results fixed.
  5. PHP warnings fixed.
  6. Loads JS script only where it’s required.
  7. We made all the plugin sections responsive.
  8. Compatible to WordPress 6.4 and PHP 8.2.10


August 10th, 2023
  1. License details added under the license tab.
  2. PHP 8.2.* deprecation notices removed.
  3. Comparison graph issues fixed.


May 30th, 2023
  1. Comparison graph month view position corrected.
  2. Comparison graph stats on line and bar fixed.
  3. World map ShortCode errors.
  4. AMP addon PHP warnings fixed.
  5. Use main dashboard saved date.


May 10th, 2023
  1. Comparison graph modified.
  2. Error handling added on comparison graph script.


April 26th, 2023
  1. Undefined function wpa_get_analytics on showing single page/post stats at front-end.
  2. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 6.2


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.
  5. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 6.2


June 27th, 2022
  1. Link attribution cause multiple page views hit.


April 19th, 2022
  1. Compatibility issues with PHP 8.0+


April 15th, 2022
  1. Exclude specific post/page from tracking.
  2. Add chat-box for premium customer support.


February 28th, 2022
  1. Download CSV for events tracking dashboard.
  2. Download CSV for general stats.


December 27th, 2021
  1. Exclude Real-time reporting from dashboard settings.


November 1st, 2021
  1. Errors in Real-time reporting dashboard.
  2. Undefined error in APM add-on.


June 21st, 2021
  1. Add the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) tracking compatibility.
  2. Add email and tel links reporting in Events Tracking.
  3. Update diagnostic information for additional details.
  4. Add translatable strings and sanitize date field data.
  5. Track authors by user name in Custom Dimensions module.
  6. Errors in tracking with AMP when Custom Dimensions module is enabled.


April 8th, 2021
  1. Remove unused assets.
  2. Fix text domain in modules.


March 12th, 2021
  1. New Analytics Dashboard Layout.
  2. Events Tracking.
  3. Authors Tracking and Dashboard.
  4. Custom Dimensions Tracking.
  5. Affiliates Tracking.
  6. Links Tracking.
  7. Clicks Tracking.
  8. Google AMP Support.
  9. Google Optimize Support.
  10. Forms Tracking for Gravity Forms, WPForms, Contact Form 7, Custom Forms, Formidable Forms, Ninja Forms.
  11. New Settings Page Design.
  12. Enhancement: Upgrade addons page active/deactivate functionality.
  13. Bug Fix: Post edit page reloading on save.
  14. Bug Fix: Avia builder was not able to edit.
  15. Compatibility: Compatible with WordPress 5.7

Version 2.1.2

May 2nd, 2019
  1. Add ‘Entrance Exits stats’ on single pages/posts.

Version 2.1.1

December 31, 2018
  1. Site Search tracking.
  2. Fix number format.
  3. Code Improvement.

Version 2.1

December 10, 2018
  • Fix translatable stings issue.
  • Add filter to change the comparison graph color.

Version 2.0.22

November 30th, 2018
  1. Multisite Compatibility issue.
  2. Show shortcode icon only, if user have Analytify Dashboard access.
  3. French language added.

Version 2.0.21

October 26th, 2018
  1. Better Cache Algorithm.
  2. Add cache for single page/post stats.
  3. Settings Text updated.
  4. Error Handling.
  5. Add Error logs.
  6. Code Refactor.
  7. Date Selection will effect on Compare Stats.
  8. Settings Text updated.

Version 2.0.20

August 15th, 2018
  1. Advance shortcode calendar
  2. Add “This Year” & “Last Year” support in shortcode
  3. Add “Country” & “Country ISO” dimensions in shortcode

Version 2.0.19

March 25th, 2018
  1. Cache issue for compare stats
  2. Loss check for front end stats

Version 2.0.18

January 25th, 2018
  1. Improved ShortCodes
  2. Improved Comparison Graphs on User date selction
  3. Auto Update Conflicts

Version 2.0.17

December 11th, 2017
  1. Export Stats in .CSV format
  2. Refresh Live Stats Manually with a single click
  3. Introducing Goals (Google Analytics) addon for Analytify
  4. Non-English Characters issue on realtime stats

Version 2.0.16

November 15, 2017
  1. Conflicts with licensing to other WordPress plugins/themes
  2. Compatible with MomentJS
  3. Conflict with Elegant Themes.

Version 2.0.15

July 15, 2017
  1. Comparison Graph visual fix

Version 2.0.14

July 07, 2017
  1. WorldMap Shortcode fix

Version 2.0.13

July 06, 2017
  1. Shortcode fix with filters

Version 2.0.12

May 31, 2017
  1. front-end WorldMap shortcode enqueue JS.
  2. Shortcode filters.

Version 2.0.11

April 18, 2017
  1. Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.

Version 2.0.10

April 07, 2017
  1. plugin updater class.
  2. ShortCode fix for more than one page stats with PageID attribute.

Version 2.0.9

March 30, 2017
  1. Demographics reports page added
  2. Dutch Language added.
  3. ShortCode fix for particular page stats with PageID attribute.

Version 2.0.8

February 28, 2017
  1. Access to RealTime stats detail page have no privileges.
  2. Restrict license admin notices to only Analytify pages.
  3. 100% Translated now
  4. Norwegian Language added.
  5. Russian Language added.
  6. German strings updated.

Version 2.0.7

February 14, 2017
  1. Changing text-domain for Multilingual Support
  2. German Language added

Version 2.0.6

February 03, 2017
  1. Multilingual Support
  2. ShortCode fix for front-end stats
  3. WPML Ready

Version 2.0.5

January 03, 2017
  1. Speed optimizaation
  2. plugin updater management class
  3. Added a dashboard link in RealTime Stats page.
  4. Reduce RealTime Intervals to 30s on Dashboard and RealTime detail page.

Version 2.0.4

December 27, 2016
  1. Speed optimizaation
  2. plugin updater management class

Version 2.0.3

November 05, 2016
  1. License tab redirection
  2. front-end stats button fixed.

Version 2.0.2

October 30, 2016
  1. Layout break in edit pages with default loading stats option enabled.

Version 2.0.1

October 28, 2016
  1. PHP 5.4 fatal error fixed
  2. Minor Dashboard issue fixed.

Version 2.0.0

October 28, 2016
  1. New clean UI design
  2. Changed underlying directory structure
  3. Refactored code
  4. removed traditional analytics js – GA recommends analytics.js
  5. Quick Tabbed navigation. No page reload.
  6. Profile Tab – Hide Profiles list
  7. loading stats with ajax
  8. Our Core plugin is Free and required for all add-ons and pro upgrade.
  9. Page exit and Entrance stats
  10. Social Media Statistics
  11. Anonymize IP Address
  12. Force Analytics Traffic Over SSL
  13. Track User ID
  14. Demographic & Interest Tracking
  15. Help Tab
  16. Diagnostic Info and Error log
  17. Shows Comparison up or down Stats
  18. Every post row has a direct link of Stats which takes to next page screen and takes to stats section.
  19. Enhanced ecommerce Google Analytics for Easy Digital Downloads addon
  20. Google Analytics Campaigns manager addon
  21. Email Notifications addon
  22. Google Analytics dashboard widget
  23. Compatible to WordPress 4.6.1

Version 1.3.6

July 16, 2016
  1. removed ini_set calls
  2. GA scope is read only.
  3. Improved security.
  4. BounceRate & Average Session Duration metrics.
  5. Introducing View Stats button within Publish box.
  6. Introducing Stats link under each post at all posts page in wp-admin.

Version 1.3.5

January 07, 2016
  1. Compatible with 5.2.17 and other older PHP versions than PHP 7.0.0

Version 1.3.4

January 01, 2016
  1. Security release

Version 1.3.3

December 27, 2015
  1. License key activation bug at plugins page.

Version 1.3.2

December 25, 2015
  1. Cache Dashboard Stats as per Profile selection.
  2. Change text for Countries popup at front-end.
  3. Analytify Dashboard for selected roles.

Version 1.3.1

December 15, 2015
  1. Social Stats errors display.
  2. fixed some translation ready strings.
  3. Added Complete Spanish Translation.

Version 1.3

December 09, 2015
  1. New way to authenticate with Google Analytics.
  2. New Advanced Tab.
  3. New Extensions page.
  4. Profile selection check
  5. Translation ready
  6. De-activate WP Analytify if it is installed and Activate WP Analytify Pro.
  7. Better notices management.
  8. Load Analytics panel only for published posts.
  9. Minor bug fixes and code cleanup.

Version 1.2.8

November 06, 2015
  1. World map shortcode display behavior.

Version 1.2.7

November 03, 2015
  1. ShortCode to show all the front-end stats.
  2. Login/Authenticate redesign UI/UX.
  3. Added ShortCode for Maps.
  4. WPA_AJAX class conflict with other plugins.
  5. ShortCodes fix for simple ShortCodes.

Version 1.2.6

July 06, 2015
  1. Show Post publish date in Start date input under wp-admin
  2. Added Support for WooCommerce and EDD plugins
  3. Dashboard Tab in settings page for managing sections at Analytify dashboard.
  4. Delete cache
  5. Change the default value of “Select fields” in Profile tab.
  6. Super Admin can access all the stats (multisite).

Version 1.2.5

April 23, 2015
  1. footer rated text was buggy in previous version, fixed now.

Version 1.2.4

April 20, 2015
  1. Fixed Average Time on Page/Site numbers. It was fetching Avg. Session Duration previously.
  2. Security Update.
  3. Added a message at footer for our product rating.

Version 1.2.3

March 17, 2015
  1. Front-end stats – Analytify button was not showing

Version 1.2.2

March 06, 2015
  1. No more slowness now
  2. Front-end stats – Call get error fixed again.

Version 1.2.1

February 16, 2015
  1. Enable Cache under posts at front-end to maximize the speed.
  2. Enable Cache for Analytify Dashboard Stats.
  3. Front-end stats – Call get error fixed again.

Version 1.1.9

February 09, 2015
  1. Front-end stats – Call get error fixed.
  2. Fatal Error handling when Internet is not enabled.

Version 1.1.8

February 03, 2015
  1. Hide Profiles after selection, Best fit for your clients.
  2. Simple Shortcodes numbers return
  3. Format numbers in Simple Shortcodes

Version 1.1.7

December 28, 2014
  1. Cache enabled for ShortCode Stats
  2. Date Range is added in Advanced ShortCodes
  3. Numbers formatted in Advanced ShortCodes

Version 1.1.6

December 15, 2014
  1. Logo fix
  2. Use ShortCodes in Widgets.
  3. Code Cleanup

Version 1.1.5

December 08, 2014
  1. Launch PRO Version
  2. Campaign Stats.
  3. Error Handling.
  4. Some minor code cleanup.

Version 1.1.4

November 01, 2014
  1. Calendar fix.
  2. Numbers format fix.
  3. Some minor code cleanup.

Version 1.1.3

October 17, 2014
  1. Activation error

Version 1.1.2

October 17, 2014
  1. Advance shortcode ‘Full’ Site stats fixed.
  2. jQuery datepicker conflict with other plugins is fixed.
  3. fixed in_array() at front-end stats.

Version 1.1.1

October 14, 2014
  1. NEW OPTION: See the full site or current page stats using Advanced shortcodes
  2. Front-end stats
  3. cleanup code

Version 1.1

October 13, 2014 (Finally, It’s launched.)
  1. Adding Complete Front-end Stats like backend
  2. Global On/Off for statistics.
  3. ShortCodes for individual statistics e.g Metrics/Dimensions
  4. Welcome page guide appears after activation of plugin
  5. CSS conflict with other plugins navigation
  6. Datepicker got new UI
  7. Optimized pagespeed

Version 1.0.8

September 30, 2014
  1. Authentication issue on some hostings.
  2. Upgrade from /wp-admin/plugins.php now

Version  1.0.7

September 15, 2014
  1. Bug fixes
  2. Upgrade from /wp-admin/plugins.php now

Version 1.0.6

September 10, 2014
  1. GPLv2+ License now.
  2. Compatible with WordPress 4.0 version.

Version 1.0.5

August 27, 2014
  1. Proper Licensing
  2. Automatic install updates like plugins from
  3. bug fixes (404 page after setting profiles)
  4. Multi Language Compatibility
  5. Spanish Translation available.

Version 1.0.4

August 05, 2014
  1. City Stats
  2. Operating System Stats
  3. Mobile Stats
  4. bug fixes (Start date set to Google Analytics Launch date 2005-01-01)

Version 1.0.3

July 17, 2014
  1. Change the date/time into pretty format.
  2. Change the urls to open in new tab
  3. Responsive dashboard
  4. Disable front end option
  5. Add Google Analytics tracking code
  6. Tested with Multisite Compatible
  7. Tested with Custom Post Types
  8. Conflicting with other Google Analytics plugins is fixed now.
  9. Some typo fixes
  10. loading ajax stats graphic changed.

Version 1.0.2

July 14, 2014
  1. bug fixed (Conflicting with other plugins)

Version 1.0.1

July 12, 2014
  1. Couple of bug fixes like stats show/hide for frontend works now.
  2. JS bug fixed for Analytify dashboard datepicker.
  3. Stats loading for last 30 days by default for Analytify Dashboard is fixed.
  4. Ajax stats datepicker date works now.
  5. Showing stats at pages frontend.
  6. Fixed 00’s stats for posts on frontend.

Version 1.0

July 09, 2014
  1. Initial Release.

E-Commerce Tracking (WooCommerce)


February 4th, 2025
  1. Introduced an Ecommerce funnel to track and analyze user behavior through the purchase process.
  2. Updated ECharts library to the latest version 5.5.1.


November 6th, 2024
  1. Removing Google Analytics V3 functions from the add-on completely.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


January 16th, 2024
  1. Source/Medium Column for WooCommerce HPOS Database Structure.
  2. PHP warnings.
  3. Compatibility issues with WooCommerce 8.4.0
  4. Responsiveness issues for all sections.
  5. Compatible to WordPress 6.4.2 and PHP 8.2.10


June 20th, 2023
  1. order source/medium corrected.
  2. session information added in events.


May 30th, 2023
  1. PHP warnings fixed.
  2. Use main dashboard saved date.
  3. Changelog button text updated.
  4. Removed Google Analytics reports links that are not working.


May 15th, 2023
  1. Source Medium UTM parameters feature implemented on WooCommerce orders with GA4.
  2. Purchase event on thank you page moved to gtag for GA4.


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.


July 6th, 2022
  1. ‘header already sent’ error on some dashboards.


May 18th, 2022
  1. WooCommerce email tracking code error was printed in the email.
  2. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 6.0


February 19th, 2022
  1. Checkout behavior thank you step tracking.
  2. Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress 5.9


December 10th, 2021
  1. Fix order source/medium.


November 2nd, 2021
  1. Version number typo.


November 1st, 2021
  1. List stats tracking in checkout steps.


August 13th, 2021
  1. Coupons are tracked now in gtag.js
  2. Fetch Traffic Source button redesign and Source/Medium column are empty now for betting UX.
  3. Compatible to WordPress 5.8


July 30th, 2021
  1. Refactor the check for tracking code enabled.
  2. Fix the license field in settings.
  3. Fix issues in tracking in the product archive page.


June 21st, 2021
  1. Add the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) tracking compatibility.
  2. Update diagostic information for additional details.


March 12th, 2021
  1. New dashboard desgin.
  2. Export csv reports option.
  3. Update admin submenu ranking.
  4. Code refactoring.
  5. Update Admin notices.

Version 3.0.0

May 2nd, 2019
  1. WooCommerce Subscription tracking.
  2. WooCommerce Email tracking.
  3. Track Reorder Event.
  4. Landing page dimensions missed in some cases.

Version 2.0.13

March 25th, 2019
  1. Track order cancellation.

Version 2.0.12

February 21st, 2018
  1. Wrong country for Geographical tracking.

Version 2.0.11

January 21st, 2018
  1. Fix dashboard link in admin bar.
  2. Improve tracking.
  3. User IP detection for Geographical tracking.

Version 2.0.10

December 31st, 2018
  1. Introducing more detailed stats on Google Analytics.
  2. Add General Sales Report in Email Notification addon.
  3. Improved 10 records per section and paginated for stats.
  4. French language added.

Version 2.0.9

November 30th, 2018
  1. Multisite Compatibility issue.

Version 2.0.8

October 26th, 2018
  1. Add Source/Medium to order list page.
  2. Add zoom on the geographic map
  3. Strict check for the category page.

Version 2.0.7

25th March, 2018
  1. Better Cache Algorithm.
  2. WC_Cart::get_remove_url is deprecated

Version 2.0.6

November 15, 2017
  1. Track Source/Medium for each Sale.
  2. Measuring ROI section gives a list of all the sales channels/sources.
  3. Revenue format
  4. BounceRate
  5. Currency Symbol from WooCommerce

Version 2.0.5

September 07, 2017
  1. Fixed pageview issue for WooCommerce Pages.

Version 2.0.4

April 14, 2017
  1. Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0

Version 2.0.3

April 07, 2017
  1. Don’t track user if it’s excluded from tracking.
  2. code cleanup

Version 2.0.2

February 27, 2017
  1. Transactions recording fixed
  2. 100% Translatable now

Version 2.0.1

November 13, 2016
  1. Tracking – Optimized
  2. Added revenue column for each Country
  3. Show Country by sales data only when Sales are greater than zero

Version 2.0.0

October 28, 2016
  1. This is a major update to Analytify.

E-Commerce Tracking (Easy Digital Downloads)


February 4th, 2025
  1. Introduced an Ecommerce funnel to track and analyze user behavior through the purchase process.
  2. Updated ECharts library to the latest version 5.5.1.


November 6th, 2024
  1. Removing Google Analytics V3 functions from the add-on completely.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


June 20th, 2023
  1. order source/medium corrected.
  2. session information added in events.


May 30th, 2023
  1. Orders Column messed up because of 5.0.2 release.


May 30th, 2023
  1. Order source/medium support added for GA4.
  2. Use main dashboard saved date.
  3. Changelog button text updated.


May 8th, 2023
  1. EDD Pro detection fixed.


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.


March 12th, 2021
  1. New dashboard desgin.
  2. Update admin submenu ranking.
  3. Code refactoring.
  4. Update admin notices.

Version 1.1.0

November 15, 2017
  1. WPML Support.
  2. Multilingual Compatible.
  3. Revenue Column in Country Stats
  4. Track Source/Medium for each Sale.
  5. Measuring ROI section gives a list of all the sales channels/sources.
  6. Fetch Traffic source for each sale through EDD Payment History Page.
  7. Revenue format
  8. BounceRate

Version 1.0.0

October 28, 2016
  1. Initial Release.

Campaigns Tracking (UTM tags)


November 6th, 2024
  1. Removing Google Analytics V3 functions from the add-on completely.
  2. E-commerce Conversion Rate showing 0% in the Detail Stats.
  3. License key conflict upgrade issue.
  4. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


August 10th, 2023
  1. Author name and uri modified.
  2. Translation files updated.
  3. No campaigns message and layout changed.


May 30th, 2023
  1. Use main dashboard saved date.
  2. Changelog button text updated.


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.


April 8th, 2021
  1. Fix datepicker.


March 12th, 2021
  1. New dashboard desgin.
  2. Update admin submenu ranking.
  3. Code refactoring.
  4. Update admin notices.

Version 1.1.1

January 7th, 2019
  1. Incorrect values for “AVG session duration” & “page/session”
  2. License activation issue.

Version 1.1.0

December 31st, 2018
  1. Add detailed campaign stats.
  2. Format number stats.
  3. Code Improvement.

Version 1.0.6

October 26, 2018
  1. View sales details of each campaign. You should be using WooCommerce Analytify addon to see that.

Version 1.0.3

September 20, 2018
  1. Dashboard Selection on Campaing page works now
  2. Access roles for Campaign dashboard

Version 1.0.2

November 15, 2017
  1. Licensing update.
  2. Compatible with 4.9

Version 1.0.1

January 11, 2017
  1. Added new text-domain for Strings translation.
  2. Updated POT file for Multilingual – Getting Ready for WPML.

Version 1.0.0

October 28, 2016
  1. Initial Release.

Email Notifications (Automated daily/monthly reports)


November 6th, 2024
  1. Missing Social Media Stats section in Email Report.
  2. Removing Google Analytics V3 functions from the add-on completely.
  3. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


May 16th, 2024
  1. Add Forms Tracking Stats in Email Notifications.
  2. A filter is introduced to hide or show Countries/Cities sections in Email Notifications. Link


August 10th, 2023
  1. Non Selected sections emailed in reports fixed.


June 20th, 2023
  1. Visitors site behavior section footer text changed.
  2. Translation files updated.


May 15th, 2023
  1. Multiple Recipients not receiving all stats.


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.


September 13th, 2021
  1. Add tinyMCE editor for email notes option.
  2. Add filter for email note heading.
  3. Send email reports for single post.
  4. “GO TO MY DASHBOARD” button position in reports.


June 22nd, 2021
  1. Add option in settings to modify email note.


March 12th, 2021
  1. Add referrers in email stats option.
  2. Update admin notices.

Version 1.3.0

July 26th, 2020
  1. Moved teaser features to free plugin.
  2. Update admin notices layout.

Version 1.2.8

April 13th, 2019
  1. Fix layout issues on Microsoft Outlook.

Version 1.2.7

March 25th, 2019
  1. Fix layout issue on Microsoft Outlook.
  2. Fix incorrect “Total time on site” stats.
  3. Comparison images not loaded in some cases.
  4. Confliction with TranslatePress plugin.
  5. Update language POT file.
  6. Fix typos.

Version 1.2.6

December 31st, 2018
  1. Add WooCommerce Report.
  2. Add Easy Digital Downloads Report.
  3. Add option to set the custom date for email notification.
  4. Add Personal Message option in email report.
  5. Format stats number.
  6. Remove cron instance on plugin uninstall.
  7. Add Swedish translation.
  8. Fix typo.

Version 1.2.5

November 30th, 2018
  1. Customize Email Subject

Version 1.2.4

October 26th, 2018
  1. Better Cache Algorithm.

Version 1.2.3

June 28th, 2018
  1. Single Page/Post Email stats.
  2. Add ‘Avg stats on page’ on single page/post email.
  3. Add site URL on Company logo

Version 1.2.2

March 25th, 2018
  1. Set header type for HTML emails.

Version 1.2.1

March 21st, 2018
  1. Conflict with Contact form 7 emails.

Version 1.2.0

November 15, 2017
  1.  Share Stats of each Page with Email button on every Post/Page etc
  2. MomentJs Depreciation call

Version 1.1.0

April 14, 2017
  1.  added icons for IE, Chrome and FB apps
  2.  Added website name in reports
  3.  Hide “Go to dashboard” button from template
  4.  Mentioned Agency logo size

Version 1.0.3

February 14, 2017
  1.  Add Sender name and Sender email.
  2.  WPML Ready

Version 1.0.2

January 11, 2017
  1.  Agency logo in email notifications extension instead of Analytify’s logo

Version 1.0.1

January 11, 2017
  1. return null fixed on activation for PHP versions less than 5.5

Version 1.0.0

October 28, 2016
  1. Initial Release.

Forms Tracking


November 6th, 2024
  1. Removing Google Analytics V3 functions from the add-on completely.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


August 10th, 2023
  1. WPforms pro compatibility added.


May 30th, 2023
  1. Use main dashboard saved date.
  2. Changelog button text updated.


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.
  5. Compatible with WordPress 6.2


28th February, 2022
  1. Custom forms tracking with class container.
  2. Kadence Forms Tracking Enabled.


June 21st, 2021
  1. Add the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) tracking compatibility.
  2. Update diagnostic information for additional details.
  3. Refactor tracking code.


12th March, 2021
  1. Initial Release

Authors Tracking


November 6th, 2024
  1. Removing Google Analytics V3 functions from the add-on completely.
  2. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


April 22nd, 2024
  1. Display all authors who have posts published online.
  2. Integrates with User Role Editor plugin.
  3. Compatible to WordPress 6.5


June 20th, 2023
  1. Author name and uri modified.


May 30th, 2023
  1. Use main dashboard saved date.
  2. Changelog button text updated.


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.
  5. Compatible with WordPress 6.2


28th February, 2022
  1. Download CSV for author stats.


1st November, 2021
  1. Add page views stats in reports.


21st July, 2021
  1. Fetch Authors stats from custom dimensions.


12th March, 2021
  1. Initial Release

Google Analytics Goals Dashboard


November 6th, 2024
  1. Introduction of Key Events with essential stats, replacing the deprecated GA3 Goals.
  2. Removal of deprecated GA3 Goals from the add-on.
  3. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


May 30th, 2023
  1. Use main dashboard saved date.
  2. Changelog button text updated.


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.


April 8th, 2021
  1. Fix report if goals are more than 10.


March 12th, 2021
  1. New dashboard desgin.
  2. Update Admin notices.

Version 1.1.2

November 23th, 2018
  1. Invalid Arugment warning.

Version 1.1.1

October 26th, 2018
  1. Speed improvement.

Version 1.1.0

October 8th, 2018
  1. See the Source/Medium of each goal in detail view.

Version 1.0.2

March 25th, 2018
  1. Fetch goals more than 20 i.e Works with Google Analytics Premium users.

Version 1.0.1

February 8th, 2018
  1. Fetch all the Goals with data.
  2. Compatibility with 4.8

Version 1.0.0

December 6th, 2017
  1. Initial Release

Dashboard Widget (Free Add-on)


February 4th, 2025
  1. Updated ECharts library to the latest version 5.5.1.
  2. Filter added to show Visitors/Views Graph in General Statistics section: analytify_widget_graph_display_filter.
  3. Conflict with WP Mail SMTP Widget.
  4. Years section in the Visitors/Views Graph showing no data.
  5. Compatible with WordPress 6.7.


November 6th, 2024
  1. Added Graph for Visitors and Views in the General Statistics section (visible when Pro is activated).
  2. Introduced a section with a pie chart for Visitor Devices (visible when Pro is activated).
  3. Filter Provided for Top Countries, Top Pages, Top Keywords and Top Referrals Section rows per page.
  4. Removing Google Analytics V3 functions from the widget completely.
  5. Compatible to WordPress 6.7


August 10th, 2023
  1. Top Referrers section typo fixed.
  2. Compatible with WordPress 6.3


June 6th, 2023
  1. Typos fixed.
  2. Real time analytics section styling fixed.
  3. Translation files updated.
  4. Compatible with WordPress 6.2


May 30th, 2023
  1. New vs returning section stats for new visitors fixed.
  2. No stats message modified.


May 10th, 2023
  1. Yesterday option added in date picker.
  2. No stats message added for keywords.
  3. Compatible with WordPress 6.2


April 18th, 2023
  1. Google Analytics GA4 integration is added.
  2. Google Search Console (webmasters) Integrated.
  3. Pageload speed improvement.
  4. UI Improvements.
  5. Compatible with WordPress 6.2


July 6th, 2022
  1. use the wp_date() function to fetch the website date instead of date() in php. Props to [@generosus]( for reporting this bug.
  2. Compatible with WordPress 6.0


May 18th, 2021
  1. Tooltips added for analytics dashboard widget.
  2. Compatibility: Compatible with WordPress 6.0


April 14th, 2021
  1. Add custom CSS option for dashboard widget styling.
  2. Fix stats figures.
  3. Fix stats labels as on main dashboard.
  4. Compatible with WordPress 5.9


March 12th, 2021
  1. Design Compatibility with Analytify 4.0 release.
  2. Compatible with WordPress 5.7

Version 1.1.4

July 26th, 2020
  1. Introducing real-time stats in dashboard widget.
  2. Update widget layout.

Version 1.1.3

March 25th, 2020
  1. Fix fatal error in social media stats.
  2. Fix undefined offset in general stats.
  3. Compatible with WordPress 5.4

Version 1.1.2

May 22th, 2019
  2. Compatible with WordPress 5.2

Version 1.1.1

January 1st, 2019
  1. Date selection persist after page load.
  2. Compatible with WordPress 5.0

Version 1.0.7

October 26th, 2018
  1. Optimized with Cache.

Version 1.0.6

July 21st, 2017
  1. text-domain update for multilingual translations at
  2. Compatibility with 4.8

Version 1.0.5

  1. Dutch language added.
  2. Norwegian language updated.
  3. Privileges bug fixed.
  4. New vs Returning stats fixed.

Version 1.0.4

  1. Norwegian language added.
  2. German language completed.

Version 1.0.3

  1. deploy script assets issue fixed.

Version 1.0.2

  1. Changed text-domain for Translation mangement.
  2. fixed issues with Translation strings.
  3. German language.

Version 1.0.1

  1. Multilingual and WPML compatible.
  2. Language .pot file generated.
  3. Changed admin notices to help users in installing core version of Analytify.

Version 1.0.0

January 11, 2016
  1. Initial Release.