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Add Social Media Stats with Advance ShortCode on Post or Page

Would you like to view & display the social media stats of any page or blog post to view the performance of social media traffic on your web page or blog post content?

WordPress Analytify has the option to show “Social Media” stats on your Post/Page. For this, you have to insert a shortcode on your Post/Page. 

Analytify is a powerful WordPress plugin that integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics, allowing you to track and analyze your website’s performance. One of its key features is the ability to display detailed statistics using shortcodes.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of adding Social Media Stats to your WordPress posts or pages using the Analytify Advanced Shortcode.

Step 1: Install Analytify Plugin

Read How to Install And Activate Analytify Pro Plugin.

Step 2: Create or Edit a Post/Page

To add Social Media Stats to a post or page, create a new post or edit an existing one in WordPress.

Step 3: Insert the Shortcode

Switch to the Text editor mode in the WordPress post/page editor and click on plus icon +.

Then select Analytify Shortcode block.

select analytify shortcode

Now select Advance Shortcode.

analytify advance shortcode

After selecting Advance shortcode, insert the following shortcode to display Social Media Stats:

[analytify-stats metrics="screenPageViews" dimensions="socialNetwork" date_type="year-to-date" analytics_for="full" sort="screenPageViews"]
Analytify Social Media Stats Shortcode Social Media

Step 4: Publish or Update

Preview the post/page to ensure that the Social Media Stats are displaying correctly.

Click “Publish” to make the post live or “Update” if you’re editing an existing post/page.

Step 5: View the Stats

Once published, visitors can view the Social Media Stats directly on the post/page, based on the parameters set in the shortcode.

That’s it!

This is how you can display social media traffic analytics on your specific page or blog post content by adding the Analytify shortcode that will help you to analyze the social media traffic performance on your content. Check our other guide on how to show the world map of visitors at the front-end by using the shortcode.