Google Analytics 4 Upgraded Version GA4

Google Analytics 4 Upgraded Version GA4

Google introduced, new Google Analytics 4 Upgraded Version GA4 2020 with new 4 amazing features for the marketers plus one major update that we need to discuss for a website or online business owners that now tracking ID of Google Analytics is change now from Universal tracking ID UA-xxxxxx-x to Upgraded tracking ID G-xxxxxx-x with other new features to help the marketers.

Here, we are going to discuss Google Analytics 4 Upgraded Version GA4 and new amazing features of Google Analytics.

Right now Google Analytics 4 is being pushed to all new users and Google is sending emails to existing users to that they should upgrade their tags from GA3 to GA3. and recently they gave a notification with a deadline that GA3 will be abandoned after July 2023. So, we have about one year at the time of editing this article. So the current users don’t need to panic but in the future, they need to change the tracking code or Tracking of Google Analytics on their website from UA-xxxxxx-x to G-xxxxxx-x .  

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