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How to Exclude URL Query Parameters in Google Analytics 4

How to Exclude URL Query Parameters in Google Analytics 4

Are you looking for ways to exclude URL query parameters in Google Analytics 4? If so, you are in the right place.

In Universal Analytics (GA3), this was a built-in feature, but in GA4, it requires a workaround.

URL query parameters, which are bits of information attached to the end of a URL after a question mark (?), play a significant role in how websites function. They pass data between pages, track marketing campaigns, and personalize user experiences. However, when it comes to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), these parameters can create a bit of a mess. They can clutter your reports, skew your data, and even pose privacy concerns.

That’s why learning how to exclude URL query parameters in Google Analytics 4 is a must for anyone serious about data analysis.

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Google Analytics Glossary

A Complete Google Analytics Glossary (2024)

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for understanding user behavior and measuring website performance. However, its terminology can be overwhelming for newcomers. This Google Analytics glossary aims to simplify the learning process by providing clear and concise definitions for key Google Analytics terms.

All essential Google Analytics definitions are here, from fundamental concepts like sessions and pageviews to more complex metrics and dimensions. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned analyst, this GA4 glossary will be a valuable resource for navigating the world of Google Analytics.

Understanding these terms in Google Analytics is essential for effectively interpreting data and making decisions about your website or app’s performance.

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GA4 Custom Events

GA4 Custom Events: What Are They and How to Create Them?

Are you ready to elevate your website’s performance with using GA4 Custom Events in your analytics strategy?

Well, you’re in the right place! In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing and website analytics, staying ahead is the name of the game. One way to do that is by understanding and harnessing the power of GA4 Custom Events. But what exactly are they, and how can you create them to pin-point your analytics?

In this blog, we’ll talk about Google Analytics 4 custom events. We’ll explore what these events are, why they matter, and most importantly, we’ll show you step-by-step how to create custom events in GA4.

So let’s get started!

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How to reduce bounce rate

How to Reduce Bounce Rate (20 Quick Tips)

Are you struggling with a high bounce rate when visitors leave after just one webpage on your site? 

Don’t worry! In this guide, we’ll explain the bounce rate and the causes of the high bounce rate. We will also share 20 easy-to-understand strategies to improve bounce rate.

The lower it is, the more visitors you keep engaged, which can lead to more sales, signups, or your custom goals. 

Get ready to transform those one-page visitors into happy explorers!

Continue reading “How to Reduce Bounce Rate (20 Quick Tips)”
Introducing Analytify 4.0, Analytify 4.0

Introducing Analytify 4.0 – New Pricing And More Advanced Features

Today we are pleased to announce an improved version of our plugin i.e. Analytify 4.0.

In this latest version, we have introduced the following key features to help you drive the most out of our tool.

  1. Author Posts Insights 
  2. Events Tracking Reports
  3. Dimensions Analytics
  4. Forms Tracking Dashboard
  5. Search Terms Reporting
  6. Google Optimize 
  7. Google AMP Pages tracking

While we are working on Google Analytics 4 integration, these are a few major updates we have rolled out in Analytify. 

Continue reading “Introducing Analytify 4.0 – New Pricing And More Advanced Features”
GA4 keywords

How To Track Organic Keywords In Google Analytics 4

Are you wondering how to find GA4 organic keywords?

Understanding how to see keywords in GA4 is crucial for any website owner who wants to fine-tune their SEO strategy and boost organic traffic.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has evolved, offering more comprehensive and user-focused analytics. However, one area that often puzzles users is the tracking and reporting organic search keywords. In this article, we’ll discuss about the GA4 keywords in detail, how they work and how to find organic keywords in Google Analytics.

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Content Audit Tools

9 Best Content Audit Tools to Improve Rankings (2024)

Are you searching for the best content audit tools in 2024?

In today’s SEO era, where algorithms evolve and user behavior shifts, it’s easy for your website content to get lost in the shuffle. The solution is a comprehensive content audit

In this article, we will discuss content auditing, why it is important, and the 9 best content auditing tools for your website.

Continue reading “9 Best Content Audit Tools to Improve Rankings (2024)”
Plot Rows in Google Analytics 4

How to Use Plot Rows in Google Analytics 4 (2024 Update)

Did you hear about the new feature of plot rows in Google Analytics 4?

GA4 Plot Rows feature allows you to plot multiple metrics on separate rows within the same chart. This means you can compare and contrast different data points side-by-side, making it easier to spot trends, patterns, and correlations. No more juggling multiple charts or getting confused with overlapping lines. Plot rows bring clarity and simplicity to your data visualization.

In this new guide, we’ll discuss plot rows in Google Analytics 4 in detail. We’ll explore what they are, how to access and enable them, how to add and customize metrics, and, most importantly, how to use them to analyze your data effectively. 

Continue reading “How to Use Plot Rows in Google Analytics 4 (2024 Update)”
Google Analytics Organic Shopping

Google Analytics Organic Shopping (Explained 2024)

Curious how customers discover your products online? GA4 organic shopping data can reveal this and show you how to use it to boost your sales.

Analyzing GA4’s organic shopping data lets you see how users discover your products through search engines and optimize your website and marketing to attract more organic shoppers.

You’ll learn to track vital metrics, interpret key data points, and use these to enhance your online store’s performance, ensuring you stay ahead in the competitive digital marketplace of 2024. 

Continue reading “Google Analytics Organic Shopping (Explained 2024)”
the benefits of Google Analytics 4

13 Main Benefits of Google Analytics 4 (Explained)

Do you want to know the powerful benefits of Google Analytics 4? If yes, you are in the right place.

In the digital age, analytical data is necessary for a successful business. Google Analytics 4 benefits you in your decisions and your marketing strategies.

In this article, we will discuss 13 top benefits of Google Analytics 4.

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