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How to Track “404 Page Not Found Errors” in WordPress

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s important for any great website to keep the user experience smooth. One important part of this is making sure that users don’t get “404 Page Not Found” problems, which means that they don’t find broken or missing pages. 

Not only are these errors annoying for users, but they can also hurt your site’s SEO results.

You need to have a lot of tools at your disposal to handle and fix these errors. 

Analytify is a powerful plugin that can help with this. This easy-to-use plugin lets you connect your site to Google Analytics 4 and gives you a lot of information on your WordPress dashboard, including 404 errors. 

In this knowledgebase article, we’ll look at how to use Analytify to keep track of “404 Page Not Found” errors on your WordPress site.

Let’s get started!

The Requirements

Make sure you have the following before you start:

  1.  A WordPress website.
  2.  Install and turn on the Pro version of Analytify on your WordPress site.
  3. Your Analytify plugin should be integrated with your Google Analytics account.

Tracking “404 Page Not Found Errors” in WordPress

Step 1: Enable Page Not Found (404) Tracking Feature

First thing first, log in to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to Analytify >> Settings. Then click on the Advanced tab. 

analytics 404 errors analytify

Next, scroll down the page and toggle on the Page Not Found (404) feature. Once done, click on the Save button to save the changes.  

enable page not found errors

Step 2: Track 404 Errors Using Analytify

Now that you have enabled the feature, you can utilize Analytify to monitor and analyze the Google Analytics 404 errors on your website. Hover over Analytify on the left bar and click on Dashboards. From there, select the Audience Overview tab.

Analytify dashboard

Next, scroll down the page, and you’ll find the report under the heading “Top 404 Pages Errors.” It should be displayed similar to the picture shown below: 


Step 3: Resolve 404 Errors

Once you know where the 404 errors are on your site, you can fix them by: 

  •  Making the lost page.
  • Recreating or redirecting the broken URL to an existing page.
  • Changing any links that lead to a page that doesn’t exist.


Tracking and fixing 404 errors is an important part of handling a website. With Analytify, it’s easy to keep track of these errors, so they can be fixed quickly and have less of an effect on your site’s performance and user experience. 

Always make sure your 404 page is easy to use and helps your users find their way around your site, even if they land on a page that doesn’t exist.

We hope you now understand how to track 404 page in WordPress. If you have any doubts or questions related to this matter, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Analytify is fully Compatible with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
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