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How To Customize Analytics Panel under a Specific Post Type?

Does your WordPress site has different post types, such as articles, properties, posts, pages, and products? If yes, you can show Analytics under all of them in your WordPress admin dashboard and you can customize Analytics panel for specific post type according to your preferences.

Let’s find out how to do this using Analytify.

Steps to Customize Analytics Panel For Specific Post Type Inside WP-Admin

In order to do this go to:

  • Go to Analytify >> Settings.
analytify settings
  • In the Settings tab, navigate to Admin.
  • Next Enable analytics under posts/pages (wp-admin).
  • After this you need to select the specific post types for which you want to display analytics, for example in the screenshot below we’ve selected post and page.
customize analytics panel for specific post type
  • Inside the Admin see the Edit posts/pages analytics panels. This will show you a Drop Down box, where you can select the parameters that you want to show under specific post types.
  • After selecting the desired parameters such as General StatsGeographic StatsSystem Stats and more to show on under specific post types, you need to save all your changes using the Save Changes button.

That’s all!

If you have more queries, look at the FAQs on the Analytify website or contact the Analytify support team.

Analytify is fully Compatible with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
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