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How to Add Simple Shortcode in Post or Page

Would you like to check the analytics of your website page or blog post to view the performance of a specific page or post content that will help you improve the performance of your content?

Analytify has tons of simple shortcodes, so users can use plugin functionality anywhere they want. Yeah, we know remembering all WordPress shortcodes is difficult. That’s why Analytify has the option to create the shortcode in the text editor with just a few clicks. If you haven’t installed our plugin already, learn How to Install and Activate the Analytify Pro Plugin.

Normally, Analytify has two types of WordPress shortcodes.

1- Simple Shortcode

2- Advanced Shortcode

In a simple shortcode, you just need to set only the Metrics , Period and Analytics For options:

  • Metrics are quantitative measurements, you can select one or multiple metrics such as total users, bounce rate, sessions and more. There is an option of Clear Metrics as well to remove all your selections.
  • Period: In this option, you can set yesterday, last week, last 15 days, last 30 days, this year or last year for your analytics.
  • Analytics For: Here, you can select the analytics for the full site just for the current page only.


You can set any Session from Metrics and set the Visibility role for the present total number of sessions.

Here is an example of getting this site’s total number of users.

Get the Total Number of Users by Analytify Simple Shortcode

Step1: Login to the WordPress site

Log in to the dashboard of your WordPress site.

Step 2: Create a New Post or Page or Edit an Existing One

You can make a new post or page where you want to show how many pageviews you’ve had.

You can also edit a post or page that is already there. For this, you need to navigate to that particular post >> edit.

In our case, we are adding shortcodes to Post.

edit post.png

Step 3: Select Analytify Shortcode Block

First, select the Analytify Shortcode block from your post editing bar.

Shortcode Selection 1

 A block will open on your page.

Step 4: Add the Simple Analytify Shortcode

Select Simple Shortcode from the block options.

Select Simple Shortcode

After selecting Simple Shortcode, you need to navigate to its block settings.

  • In SELECT METRICS, choose the option that you want to show. (e.g., Total number of users or page views). In our case, we choose Total Users as the metric.
  • Next, select the PERIOD option. What time period you want to choose for the stats? For example we selected Yesterday.
  • Now, finally select from the ANALYTICS FOR dropdown box and select either current post/page or Full Site. In this instance we selected Full Site.
Simple ShortCode Settings

Step 5: Publish or Update the Post/Page

After adding the shortcode, you can either publish your new page or post or click Update on a current page or post.

And you’ll get similar results as shown below.

image 1 1

That’s it!

This is how you can easily implement/add a simple shortcode to your specific page or blog post for analytics. Check our guide on how to add the advance shortcode on a page or post.

Feel free to contact our support team.

Analytify is fully Compatible with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
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