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How to redeem AppSumo deal?

Follow the instructions below to Redeem AppSumo – Analytify purchase.

  1. Go to the redemption link.

    Screenshot 2018 10 29 22.48.45

  2. Enter your AppSumo code in the Discount field and hit Apply.

    Screen Shot 2018 10 29 at 22.49.39

  3. Discount Code will be applied.
  4. Fill out your details within (First Name, Last Name, and email) fields.
  5. Click Purchase, you will be taken to Purchase Confirmation page that contains license keys and files to download.
  6. You should receive an email with your license keys, files and username/password to access your account on Analytify.
  7. Enjoy, you’ll now have lifetime access to Analytify – AppSumo Bundle.
  8. In case of any issues, please send an email to or submit a form via Analytify plugin settings -> help tab.
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