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How To Use Addons For Analytify?

Analytify is a strong tool that is designed to make Google Analytics simple for WordPress users. WordPress users can use to make Google Analytics easy to use. With this easy-to-understand tool, you can track how well your website is doing right from your WordPress dashboard. The main part of Analytify is free, but there are also free and paid add-ons that can make the app even more powerful.

This guide will show you how to use these apps and what they can do to improve your Analytify experience.

Step 1: Install Analytify If You’vent Already

You need to install and set up Analytify on your WordPress site before you can use add-ons.

  1. Go to your WordPress homepage, then navigate to Plugins>>Add New.
  2. Search Analytify.
  3. Click Install Now and then Activate when the download is done.
download Analytify Google Analytics dashboard

To integrate Analytify with a Google Analytics account, read our guide, How to Integrate Google Analytics 4 with Analytify.

Step 2: Learn About the Available Addons

Analytify has a number of add-ons. Some are free, and others are included with the pro version.

Free Version Addons

Google Analytics Dashboard widget is a Free Add-on by Analytify to show the Google Analytics widget in the WordPress dashboard.

Step 3:  Download Analytify Free Version Addon

There are two ways to download Analytify’s free version addon: Google Analytics Dashboard Widget.

Method 1 (Step by Step)

Go to your WordPress homepage, then navigate to Plugins>>Add New.

Then search Analytify.

Navigate to Google Analytics Dashboard Widget by analytify.

And then click on Install Now and then Activate when the download is done.

Follow the below screenshot.

Download analytify dashboard widget free addon

Method 2 (Step by Step)

Go to the Analytify website.

And then, navigate to Analytify Add-ons>>Dashboard Widget.

analytify addons page

After clicking on Dashboard Widget, you’ll be navigated to its detail page.
Scroll down to the Free Download button, as shown in the screenshot below.

analytify widget free download

After you click Free Download, a form for your email details will appear. You need to write your email address and name and then click on Download Now

email to download addon

Note: If you have an account on analytify, then instead of receiving an email link, the addon file will be automatically downloaded to your computer after clicking on Download Now.

If you don’t have your Analytify account, an email will be sent to the provided email address to complete your download.

Then navigate to your email inbox, and check the link to confirm your free download

link to downlaod file

By clicking on the link, a file will be downloaded to your computer.

Pro Version Addons

UTM Campaigns Dashboard: This add-on lets you track the success of your custom marketing campaigns.

Email Notifications Addon: This add-on helps to get weekly or monthly emails about analytics reports of your website’s analytics.

WooCommerce Addon: It helps to track the detailed analytics of your WooCommerce store.

EDD Addon: This addon is for Easy Digital Downloads. It tracks sales and product performances.

Forms Tracking Addon: This addon tracks form submissions on your site, helping you understand your lead generation performance.

Authors Tracking Addon: This feature will help you identify which author is driving the most traffic, generating engagement, and even the bounce rate.

Step 4: Download Analytify Pro Version Addons (Step by Step)

We assume you have purchased and installed the Analytify Pro plugin on your WordPress site. In case you haven’t read How to Install And Activate Analytify Pro Plugin.

Step 1- Download the Addon

Go to your Analytify account, and navigate to Downloads. You will see a list of add-ons under the Items heading.

Let’s download Analytify-Email Notifications Addon.

By clicking on the Lincese detail in front of it, a zip file will be downloaded to your computer.

analytify addons download
Step 2: Upload the Addon Zip File on WordPress Site

Sign in to the WordPress site and go to your homepage.

Then, go to Plugins and click on Add New.

add new addon

Click Upload Plugin and choose the zip file you just downloaded.

Then, click Install Now, and when the process is done, click Activate Plugin.

upload WordPress plugin

The addon will be successfully installed and activated. However, you’ll need to activate its license key to make it fully functional.

Step 3: License Key Activation 

After activating the addon, you’ll need to activate its license key. To activate the License key, go back to your Analytify Account and click on the Licenses Tab. Next, you need to copy the License key of the respective addon.

Analytify addons license keys

Now,  go back to your WordPress site and navigate to Analytify>>License option inside your WordPress admin dashboard. 

analytify license

Paste the License Key in the Licence key box.

activate license

On clicking Activate License, Email Notifications add-on activates with a successful message. 

activated license key

You’ve successfully activated the Analytify Pro addon.

Repeat the same process to download other add-ons. And remember that all the Analytify Add-Ons should be activated with their respective product keys.

However, if you’ve not purchased Analytify Pro Plan or having any difficulty, read our guide on How To Install The Pro Version Of Analytify?

If you need help installing add-ons, look at the FAQs on the Analytify website or contact the Analytify support team.

Analytify is fully Compatible with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
Buy Analytify Now