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How To View Google Analytics Stats Under Posts And Pages in WordPress?

Google Analytics 4 is a powerful tool that helps you track and examine your website traffic data. With Analytify, you can easily add Google Analytics to your WordPress site and see specific google analytics stats for your posts and pages.

Below is a video guide on how you can see google analytics stats under posts by using the Free version of Analytify.

However, in the Analytify Pro version, you can see General Stats, Social Media Stats, Keywords, Geographic, and Referrers Stats

In this article, we’ll guide you on how to use Analytify in WordPress to see Google Analytics stats under your posts and pages.

Step 1: Set Up Analytics for Posts

  • To enable post stats, navigate to Analytify>>Settings on your WordPress site.
  • Then go to Admin.
  • Find Enable Analytics under Posts/Pages and toggle on the Yes box next to it.
  • Next, choose the User Roles (Administrators, Editors, etc.) that you want to be able to see the stats.
  • Then, under the Analytics on post types option, choose the post types where you want to see stats. For example, posts, pages, etc.
  • Then, select which statistic panels you want to display under posts/pages. For example, general stats, geographic stats, keywords stats, etc.
  • You can also exclude analytics on specific pages.
  • Finally, Save Changes.

Follow the below screenshot for directions:

forms tracking analytify

Step 2: Check Google Analytics Stats Under Posts and Pages

  • Go to a WordPress post or page on your site.
  • Go to the bottom of the post by scrolling down.
  • You’ll see View Stats and Send Email options. Simply click on View Stats, as shown in the below picture.
see post analytics

You can also send these stats via email, but you’d need to download the Email Notification Addon.

By clicking on View Stats, you’ll see the statistical data for the particular post or page.

By following the above simple steps, you can easily use the Analytify plugin in WordPress to see Google Analytics stats under posts and pages. This tool lets you track how well your content is doing and make decisions based on data to improve your website’s user engagement and sales. 

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us for Support.

Analytify is fully Compatible with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
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