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Which WordPress eCommerce Plugins Are Supported by Analytify?

Analytify is a great plugin specifically designed for WordPress users to simplify the utilization of Google Analytics. The tool offers comprehensive analytics regarding a website’s traffic and user activity, conveniently accessible through the WordPress dashboard. Analytify offers an effective eCommerce tracking functionality that is indispensable for web-based retail businesses. This article will provide you with details on the compatibility of Analytify with various WordPress eCommerce plugins.

Following are the WordPress eCommerce plugins which are supported by Analytify:

1. WooCommerce

Analytify has a smooth integration with WooCommerce, a widely used eCommerce platform for WordPress. The integration of Analytify with WooCommerce enables users to monitor comprehensive information, including product views, add-to-cart actions, and completed transactions. Analytify is a WordPress plugin that generates comprehensive reports on sales, transactions, revenues, and other relevant metrics. These reports are readily available within the WordPress dashboard, providing users with valuable insights.

WooCommerce dashboard

Analytify’s Enhanced ECommerce Tracking for WooCommerce Addon supports the WooCommerce plugin.

Learn more about  Installing The WooCommerce Tracking Add-on.

2. Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads is an eCommerce plugin for WordPress that is designed to facilitate the sale of digital products.

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is fully compatible with Analytify.  This plugin is made for selling digital goods, and with Analytify’s integration, you can track how well your digital downloads are doing, keep an eye on your sales and earnings, and learn more about how your customers act.

EDD dashboard

Analytify’s Easy Digital Downloads Addon supports the Easy Digital Downloads plugin.

Learn more about  Installing The Easy Digital Downloads Tracking Add-on.

However, you need to enable eCommerce tracking to make the most of the integration between Analytify and eCommerce plugins. Read How To Enable Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking

In the future, we might expand support for more eCommerce plugins depending on customer demand. Let us know through support if you need to integrate Analytify with any other eCommerce Plugins.   

Analytify is fully Compatible with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
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