
GA4 Custom Events Not Showing Up (FIXED)

GA4 Custom Events Not Showing

Have you ever set up GA4 Custom Events, but they are not showing up in your reports?  

Frustrating, right? Well, you’re not alone. 

Many users experience GA4 custom events not showing up in their Google Analytics dashboard, and it can be a real headache to figure out why.

Custom events are a great way to understand user behavior in GA4. They allow you to track specific interactions beyond pre-defined events, providing invaluable insights into how users engage with your website or app. But sometimes, despite your best efforts, those custom events seem to vanish from analytics reports. This can be incredibly frustrating, hindering your ability to measure website performance and optimize the user experience.

In this article, we’ll explain every possible reason why your custom events are not showing up in GA4 and offer straightforward solutions to get them back on track.  

What are Custom Events in Google Analytics 4?

Before we tackle the reasons GA4 custom events don’t show, let’s ensure we understand what custom events are and why they’re such a big deal in Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Custom events in GA4 are like your analytics superpower. They allow you to track specific user interactions on your website that Google Analytics doesn’t automatically track. These could be anything from a video play button being clicked to a file being downloaded to a product being added to a shopping cart. These events are crucial for understanding the unique journey and actions of your visitors beyond what standard metrics can tell you.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how custom events are structured:

For a detailed guide of GA4 custom events, check out How To Get Started With GA4 Events Tracking.

Why Your Google Analytics 4 Events Are Not Showing (Solved)

Here’s a list of 14 potential reasons your Google Analytics 4 custom events not showing up, along with solutions to bring these vents back to light.

1. Data Delay 

Let’s start with a very common issue of data delay.

Unlike Santa Claus, GA4 doesn’t always deliver data overnight (although it can feel that way sometimes!). There’s a standard processing timeframe for data to flow from your website or app to your GA4 reports, typically taking 24-48 hours.

Table 1: Understanding GA4 Data Processing Timeframe

ActionEstimated Timeframe
Event Triggered on Website24-48 hours
Event Data Populated in GA4 Reports24-48 hours after event trigger

Solution: Before jumping to troubleshooting, give your data time to populate. It may be patiently waiting in the wings to appear in your reports within the standard timeframe.

2. Incorrect Event Name

This might seem like a minor detail, but in GA4, case sensitivity can be a fundamental matter for custom event not showing in GA4. 

GA4 treats uppercase and lowercase letters as distinct characters. So, an event named “purchase” and “Purchase” are considered two different events by GA4.

Imagine this scenario:

The result? GA4 won’t recognize these as the same event, and your “download_ebook” event will remain stubbornly absent from your reports.


Here’s how to ensure your event names match perfectly:

  1. Double-check your event name: Carefully review the event name you defined in GA4 and compare it to the code implemented on your website or app.
  2. Maintain consistency: Make sure the case (uppercase/lowercase) is identical in both places.
  3. Fix any typos: Correct any typos that might be causing the mismatch.

By ensuring your event names are a perfect match, you’ll help GA4 accurately identify and track your custom events.

3. Event Not Triggered 

Sometimes, even though you’ve set up the event name perfectly, your custom event in GA4 still refuses to show up. It could be because the event isn’t triggered on your website or app.

There are a couple of reasons why this might happen:


  1. Test the Event Trigger: Use debugging tools (we’ll discuss these later) to test if the event code fires correctly when the user performs the intended action.
  2. Review User Behavior: Analyze user behavior patterns to see if users interact with the element you’re trying to track. It might involve using heatmaps or session recordings.
  3. Use Analytify: The WordPress plugin Analytify can reduce event tagging issues. You won’t need to add tags manually; instead, Analytify can automatically track the events that have been created.

4. Google Signals and Data Thresholds 

Sometimes, having Google Signals enabled can lead to GA4 custom events not showing up.

Google Signals leverages anonymized browsing data from signed-in Google users to enhance measurement capabilities in GA4. However, it also introduces a concept called “data thresholds.” This means that GA4 might not display events with deficient volume to protect user privacy.

How It Works:

Imagine you have a custom event tracking a specific button click on a rarely visited page. With Google Signals turned on, if only a few users click that button, GA4 might choose not to show that event in your reports due to the data threshold.


There are a couple of ways to address this:

  1. Temporarily Disable Google Signals: If you need to see all events irrespective of volume for troubleshooting purposes, consider temporarily disabling Google Signals. However, remember to re-enable it later for the full benefits of Google Signals.
  2. Create a Custom Report: GA4 allows you to create custom reports that include all events, regardless of volume. It can be a helpful workaround to see low-volume events even with Google Signals enabled.

By understanding data thresholds and how they interact with Google Signals, you can make informed decisions about displaying your custom events in GA4.

5. Internal Filters: Friend or Foe? 

Internal filters in GA4 can be powerful tools for excluding unwanted data from your reports. However, if not managed carefully, they can also be the culprit behind GA4 custom events not showing up.

Here’s the scenario:

Let’s say you’ve set up an internal filter to exclude traffic from your IP address to avoid skewing your data. Unfortunately, this filter might inadvertently exclude your custom events, leaving you wondering where they went.


  1. Review Internal Filters: Double-check your internal filter configuration in GA4 to ensure the filters are not unintentionally excluding your custom events.
  2. Whitelist Specific Events: If you need to exclude internal traffic but still want to see your custom events, consider creating a whitelist within your internal filter to specifically allow events you wish to track.

By being mindful of internal filters and their potential impact on custom events, you can ensure your reports accurately reflect user behavior on your website or app.

6. Data Sent to the Wrong GA4 Property 

It might seem like a basic mistake, but it happens more often than you think! If GA4 custom events do not show up, sending data to the wrong GA4 property can be a real reason.

Imagine this: 

You set up a custom event to track user interactions. However, during implementation, you accidentally use the tracking ID for a different GA4 property. As a result, the event data gets sent to the wrong property, leaving your intended property devoid of your precious custom events.


Here’s how to ensure your data reaches the right destination:

  1. Verify Tracking ID: Double-check the tracking ID you’re using on your website or app matches the GA4 property where you expect to see your custom events.
  2. Review Implementation: Carefully examine your event tracking code to ensure the correct tracking ID is referenced.
  3. Use Analytify: You can use Analytify to avoid such errors because Analytify facilitates smooth one-click GA4 tracking.

By ensuring the tracking ID aligns perfectly with your desired GA4 property, you can guarantee your custom event data arrives at the correct location.

7. Event Parameters Not Appearing vs. Entire Event Missing 

Before diving into troubleshooting missing event parameters, let’s differentiate between two situations:

  1. Entire Event Missing: It means the event itself isn’t showing up in your GA4 reports. We’ve already explored several reasons for this in previous sections.
  2. Event Shows Up, But Parameters Are Missing: The event itself registers in your reports, but the additional details you set up (event parameters) are absent.

Understanding this distinction is crucial, as the troubleshooting approach differs for each scenario. Now, we’ll focus on the latter situation; event parameters not appearing.

Possible Reasons for Missing Event Parameters:


  1. Review Parameter Configuration: Go back to your GA4 event setup and verify the event parameters are defined accurately.
  2. Inspect Data Collection: Investigate why the parameter value isn’t being populated on your website or app. It might involve debugging your event tracking code or working with your developer for a solution. 

By addressing these potential issues, you can ensure your event parameters capture the valuable details you need to gain deeper insights into user behavior.

8. (not set) Value in Event Parameters 

Have you encountered the “(not set)” value in your GA4 event parameters? This can be frustrating when you expect specific data to populate those parameters. Here’s what “(not set)” means and how to fix it:

What Does “(not set)” Mean?

It simply indicates that the event parameter is not capturing any data from your website or app. In simpler terms, the parameter is sending an empty message to GA4, hence the “(not set)” label.

Why Does This Happen?

There are a couple of reasons why you might see “(not set)” for your event parameters:


  1. Verify Parameter Configuration: Review your event parameter setup in GA4. Ensure the names and data types are defined accurately.
  2. Investigate Data Collection: Debug your event tracking code to understand why the parameter value isn’t being populated correctly. Is the data available on your website or app? Is the code configured to capture and assign it to the parameter?

You can also read our detailed guide: How To Fix not Set In Google Analytics Reports.

Addressing these causes can transform the “(not set)” into a clear picture, enriching your event data with valuable details.

9. Event Name Length Restrictions

There’s a hidden rule in the world of GA4 custom events: event names have a character limit! While it might seem like a minor detail, exceeding this limit can lead to GA4 custom events not showing up in your reports.

How Long Can Event Names Be?

Currently, GA4 allows a maximum of 40 characters for event names, including letters, numbers, and underscores.

What Happens If I Exceed the Limit?

If your event name surpasses the 40-character limit, GA4 might shorten it or not recognize it altogether. It can result in missing events or inconsistencies in your reports. 


Here’s how to ensure your event names fit within the limit:

  1. Review Event Names: Check the length of your event names in GA4.
  2. Shorten If Necessary: If you exceed the limit, consider shortening the event name using abbreviations or removing unnecessary words.
  3. Maintain Clarity: While shortening, prioritize clarity. The event name should still accurately reflect the action you’re tracking.

By keeping your event names concise and within the character limit, you can guarantee that GA4 recognizes and processes them accurately.

10. Ad Blockers: The Unforeseen Culprit 

In our quest to eliminate the problem of GA4 custom events not showing up, we can’t ignore the potential interference of ad blockers.

Many users rely on ad blockers to enhance their browsing experience by blocking unwanted ads and trackers. Unfortunately, some ad blockers might unintentionally block event tracking scripts essential for capturing custom events.

How It Affects You:

If an ad blocker interferes with your event tracking scripts, GA4 might not receive the necessary data to register your custom events.


  1. Request Temporary Disabling: While not ideal for all users, you can advise users to temporarily disable their ad blocker and test if their actions trigger the custom events. It can help confirm if ad blockers are the culprit.
  2. Consider Alternative Tracking Methods: Explore alternative tracking methods that might be less susceptible to ad blocker interference. It could involve server-side tracking or working with a developer to implement a more robust tracking solution.

By being aware of ad blockers and their potential impact, you can take proactive steps to ensure your custom events are accurately captured.

11. Conflicting Tracking Codes

To resolve the issue of missing GA4 custom events, we can’t ignore the potential for conflicting tracking codes.  While it might seem like a simple setup, having multiple tracking codes from different analytics platforms can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior and data inconsistencies.

How It Happens:

Imagine you’re using GA4 alongside another analytics platform, such as a custom analytics solution. Both platforms might rely on tracking codes embedded in your website or app.

The Conflict Arises:

If these tracking codes aren’t configured to work harmoniously, they might interfere with each other. This interference can sometimes lead to GA4 custom events not being captured or registered correctly.


  1. Identify Conflicting Codes: Review your website or app code to see if there are tracking codes from other analytics platforms alongside your GA4 tracking code.
  2. Prioritize or Remove: Decide if you need data from both platforms. If not, consider removing the unnecessary tracking code to avoid conflicts.
  3. Compatibility Checks: If using multiple platforms, research their compatibility and explore recommended configurations to minimize interference.
  4. Use Analytify: Analytify helps you overcome such issues by smoothly taking responsibility for all your tracking codes if you’re a WordPress user. You won’t need to deal with tracking codes; instead, Analytify does it for you.

12. Exceeding Event Limits in GA4

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) offers a powerful event tracking system, but it has limitations on the number of events it can process effectively. Exceeding these limits can lead to incomplete data and inaccurate insights. Here’s a breakdown of the issue:

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Review GA4’s Event Tracking Limits:

Parameter value: 100 characters.

2. Prioritize and Manage Your Events:

13. SDK or API Limitations

The way you interact with GA4, whether through the official SDK (Software Development Kit) or the Measurement Protocol (API), can introduce limitations on event tracking. Understanding these limitations is crucial for optimal data collection.

14. Tagging Errors

Incorrect implementation of event tracking tags in Google Tag Manager (GTM) or directly within your website’s code can lead to a critical issue. GA4 won’t capture your custom events. This means valuable user interactions go unrecorded, resulting in incomplete data and inaccurate insights.

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Review and Correct Tags:

Analytify Solution:

Debugging and Verification Tools for GA4 Custom Events not Showing

So far, we’ve explored many reasons why GA4 custom events might not be showing up. But how can you diagnose the exact culprit in your specific situation? Fear not, GA4 offers a treasure of debugging and verification tools to shed light on the mystery.

Here are two powerful options:

1. GA4 Debugging View:

2. Google Tag Manager (GTM) Preview Mode:

Benefits of Debugging Tools:

By leveraging these debugging and verification tools, you can transform troubleshooting from a guessing game into a systematic process, ensuring your custom events are tracked accurately and provide valuable insights into user behavior.

Introducing Analytify: Effortless Event Tracking for WordPress Users

For WordPress users seeking a smoother approach to custom event tracking in GA4, consider leveraging a powerful google analytics plugin; Analytify. This user-friendly plugin simplifies the process of setting up and managing custom events, eliminating the need for manual coding or reliance on GTM.

With Analytify, you can:

Join 50,000+ beginners & professionals who use Analytify to simplify their Google Analytics!

By using debugging tools and exploring solutions like Analytify, you can transform troubleshooting from a guessing game into a methodical process, ensuring your custom events are tracked accurately and providing valuable insights into user behavior.

FAQs on Google Analytics 4 Events Not Showing

1. Why is my GA4 custom event not showing in reports?

If your GA4 custom event is is not showing in reports, it could be due to incorrect event configuration, tagging errors, or issues with the data layer. Ensure your event names follow GA4 guidelines, check for correct tagging in Google Tag Manager, and verify the data layer for accuracy.

2. How long does it take for custom events to show up in GA4?

Custom events in GA4 may take up to 24-48 hours to appear in your reports due to data processing times. If you’ve just set up or modified an event, allow some time for the data to appear. You can use the Real-time section in GA4 to see immediate activity.

3. What should I do if GA4 custom events are not showing up?

If GA4 custom events are not showing up, start by checking the configuration of your events in GA4 and Google Tag Manager for any errors. Utilize the DebugView feature in GA4 for real-time debugging and ensure that any data filters are not excluding your events.

4. Can browser ad blockers affect my GA4 event tracking?

Yes, browser extensions like ad blockers can prevent GA4 events from showing. They can also block the tracking scripts needed to capture event data. Test your site with ad blockers disabled, and consider advising your users to whitelist it.

5. Why are some of my custom events not showing in GA4, while others are?

If some custom events are not showing in GA4, but others are, it could indicate a problem with specific event configurations or data layer issues. Review each event for correct setup and ensure consistent data layer implementation across your site.

6. How can I verify that my GA4 custom events are correctly set up?

To verify that your GA4 custom events are correctly set up, use GA4’s DebugView feature. It allows you to see events being tracked in real-time. Also, check your event configurations against GA4’s documentation to ensure they meet the necessary criteria.

7. What role does Analytify play in resolving GA4 custom events that are not showing?

Analytify simplifies the integration of GA4 custom events with WordPress, reducing the likelihood of GA4 custom events not showing. It provides an intuitive setup process, a real-time event tracking dashboard, and easy access to support for troubleshooting any issues related to GA4 event tracking on your WordPress site.


We’ve discussed in detail the 14 reasons why your gA4 custom event not showing along with their solutions and best practices. 

You’re now equipped with a comprehensive toolkit to diagnose and address the issues behind missing events.

Remember, a successful investigation often starts with patience. Allow GA4 some processing time (24-48 hours) before jumping to conclusions. Then, delve into the potential causes we’ve explored.

You may also like to know How to Fix Google Analytics Real Time Not Working?

We hope you know why GA4 custom events are not showing up and how to fix them!
Now, we’d love to hear from you. In the comments, tell us what caused your custom events not to show up.

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