Analytify 6.0 Release

What’s New in Analytify 6.0 (Features & Enhancements)

We are thrilled to announce the release of Analytify 6.0, bringing many exciting new features, improvements, and bug fixes to elevate your website’s analytics experience. This update streamlined the reporting process and introduced several powerful features for better tracking and insights.

Let’s discuss the key highlights in this release.

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how to use google trends to grab more

How To Use Google Trends To Grab More Traffic For Website

Studies say that Updated and Trending content works best when it comes to grabbing more traffic and engagements. To find the trendy content, Google Trends comes into play, you can find the trending content about a niche that can be used to create content from scratch or you can be used in your existing articles. Here, we will discuss How To Use Google Trends To Grab More Traffic.

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Introducing Analytify 4.0, Analytify 4.0

Introducing Analytify 4.0 – New Pricing And More Advanced Features

Today we are pleased to announce an improved version of our plugin i.e. Analytify 4.0.

In this latest version, we have introduced the following key features to help you drive the most out of our tool.

  1. Author Posts Insights 
  2. Events Tracking Reports
  3. Dimensions Analytics
  4. Forms Tracking Dashboard
  5. Search Terms Reporting
  6. Google Optimize 
  7. Google AMP Pages tracking

While we are working on Google Analytics 4 integration, these are a few major updates we have rolled out in Analytify. 

Continue reading “Introducing Analytify 4.0 – New Pricing And More Advanced Features”
How Quickly Should A Website Page Load

How Quickly Should A Website Page Load?

The short answer to this question is a Website page load as quickly as possible. But to speed up the loading time of a website page isn’t always easy. Here we will discuss how fast your page should load and tips to boost the speed of your website.

For most websites, a lot of effort required to improve the website page’s speed, so it’s important to know on which points you need to work to improve the website loading speed and which areas of the website that you don’t need to optimize to speed up the website loading speed.

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Core Web Vitals Becoming Ranking Signals in May 2021 Update

Google Update: Core Web Vitals Becoming Ranking Signals in May 2021 Update

Google announce that Core Web vitals are going to become ranking signals for search in May 2021 Google Update that will also combine existing UX-related signals. Here, we are going to discuss the New Google core web vitals Update that will roll out in May 2021 in which Core Web Vitals Becoming Ranking Signals.

Continue reading “Google Update: Core Web Vitals Becoming Ranking Signals in May 2021 Update”

Introducing Analytify For eCommerce: WooCommerce Addon

WooCommerce Add-on for Analytify or Analytify for eCommerce to bring Google Analytics eCommerce data for the WooCommerce shop is finally here. And all credit goes to you, the Enthusiastic WordPress Community, and user of Analytify!

Analytify For eCommerce: WooCommerce Addon
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