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How to Install And Activate Analytify Pro Plugin (Easy Guide)

Analytify Pro is the premium version of Analytify, the best WordPress Google Analytics plugin that provides advanced Google Analytics integration for your WordPress websites. 

Analytify is an excellent plugin to track your website’s performance and user behavior and gain insights into how visitors interact with your content. Analytify Pro’s features include real-time stats, enhanced e-commerce tracking, custom dimensions and metrics, campaign tracking, and more.

In this knowledge base article, we’ll show you how to install and activate Analytify Pro – the best Google Analytics plugin.

Video Tutorial

If you’d prefer written instructions, keep reading.

Note: We assume that you have already installed the free version of Analytify. If not, check out our detailed guide on How to Install And Activate Analytify Free?

Install and Activate Analytify Pro 

Follow the below steps to install and activate Analytify Pro.

Step 1: Purchase Analytify Pro

The first thing you’ll need to do is to buy the Analytify Pro. For this purpose, visit Analytify’s official site and go to the Pricing Page.

analytify pricing page.png

On the pricing page, you’ll find 3 Different Packages. See which one suits you the best. On deciding the package, click the Buy Now button. This will take you to the checkout screen. 

Note: In our case, we’ve selected the Analytify Pro package for 1 site here.

Choose the Payment Method

Select your payment method. You can see different payment options, including Visa, Debit card, PayPal, and more. You can choose your preferred payment method. In our case, we choose PayPal

checkout page

After this, scroll down the page and enter your email address and other details, as shown in the screenshot below.

email address and details

Don’t forget to tick mark the box: I agree to the refund policy. Then click on Purchase.

After a successful purchase, you will receive a confirmation email containing the download links for the Analytify Pro plugin and its add-ons, as shown in the below screenshot.

analytify purchase receipt

As mentioned in the email, you can directly download these files, which will be downloaded as Zip Files on your computer. Or, you can download it directly from your Analytify account.

Let’s navigate to the Analytify account and install Analytify Pro and its add-ons.

Step 2: Log In to Your Account

Log In to your Analytify Account using your Username and Password. You can find your credentials in your email. 

analytify account login

Step 3: Navigate to Downloads

Next, navigate to the Downloads tab to download the .zip file of the Analytify Pro.

download analytify pro

Step 4: Install and Activate Plugin

Go to your WordPress admin dashboard, and navigate to the Plugins >> Add New. 

Next, click the Upload Plugin button at the top and Choose File. Then click Install Now.

For further ado, see the screenshot below:

upload analytify pro version

Once the installation is complete, click the Activate Plugin button. 

activate analytify pro plugin

On Activating, it appears in your Installed Plugins. 


The plugin is successfully installed and activated. However, you’ll need to activate its license key to make it fully functional.

Step 5: License Activation of Analytify Pro 

License Activation for Analytify Pro enables its full premium functionality, receives updates and support, and ensures compliance with licensing terms.

To activate the License key, go back to your Analytify Account and click on the Licenses Tab. Next, you need to copy the License key. 

analytify pro license

Note: In the Licenses tab, you will see many license keys according to your purchased plan, i.e., Pro (1 Site) or Conversion (10 Sites). 

Now, go back to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to Analytify >> License option

license option

A new window will open with the License key field against Analytify Pro. All you need to do is paste the extracted License key from the Licenses Tab. After that, activate by clicking on the Activate License. 

activate analytify license

On pressing Activate License, Analytify Pro activates with a successful message. 

succesful license update of Analytify

Step 6: Advanced Tracking in Analytify Pro 

When Analytify Pro is successfully activated with its license key, it is recommended to enable some advanced tracking options. The Advanced tab in Analytify Pro provides additional features and settings for advanced users who want to customize further and optimize their Google Analytics tracking.

All you need to do is, head toward the Advanced tab  >> Settings.

Advance settings analytify

Those advanced Google Analytics options can be enabled by toggling on their buttons. 

  • Setup Custom API keys? (It enables you to create your custom API keys, as recommended by Google) 
  • Anonymize IP addresses (Enables IP anonymization in Google Analytics)
  • Force Analytics Traffic Over SSL (It allows your analytics to be encrypted if you don’t use HTTPS) 
  • Track User ID (It enables tracking User ID in Google Analytics) 
  • Scroll Depth (It enables tracking Scroll Depth percentage) 
  • Demographic & Interest Tracking (It allows you to view extra dimensions about users: Age, gender, affinity categories, in-market segments, etc.)
  • Page Not Found (404) – Tracks all 404 pages.
  • JavaScript Errors (Tracks all JavaScript Errors) 
  • AJAX Errors (Tracks all AJAX Errors)
  • Setup Cross-domain Tracking ( It adds the allowLinker: true tag to your tracking code.
  • Custom CSS Code (It adds inline CSS code in admin dashboard pages of Analytify)
  • Custom CSS Code (It adds inline CSS code in admin dashboard pages of Analytify)
  • WooCommerce Email Tracking (Track WooCommerce Email Events)

Note: All these advanced options and features in the Advanced tab section should be enabled as per your requirements. 

Activate Analytify Add-Ons

Analytify Add-Ons are additional integrations of the premium version that extend its functionality and provide more detailed tracking data.

Note: Analytify Add-Ons are only compatible with Analytify Pro. All add-ons must be installed and activated with their respective license keys.

Here we’ll walk you through Installing and Activating Email Notifications

Step 1: Login into Your Account

Log In to your Analytify Account using your Username and Password

analytify account login

Step 2: Navigate to Downloads

Then, navigate to the Downloads tab to download the .zip file of the Email Notifications. 

email notification add on download

Step 3: Install and Activate Add-On 

Go to your WordPress admin dashboard, and navigate to the Plugins >> Add New. 

Next, click the Upload Plugin button at the top and Choose File. Then Press Install Now.  Once the installation is complete, click the Activate Plugin button.

analytify addon Email notification upload

On Activating, it appears in your Installed Plugins. 

Now, you have successfully installed and activated Email Notifications. It’s time to activate the license key.

Step 4: License Key Activation 

To activate the License key, go back to your Analytify Account and click on the Licenses Tab. Next, you need to copy the License key. 

email notification license key

Now,  navigate to Analytify >> License option inside your WordPress admin dashboard. 

analytify license option

Paste the License Key in the license key box.

email notification license key activated

On clicking Activate License, Email Notifications add-on activates with a successful message.

email notification license activated

Step 5: Connect Google Analytics with Analytify

Now, you need to connect your Google Analytics account with Analytify.

Under the Analytify section in your WordPress dashboard, click on Settings.

Go to the Authentication tab.

Here you will see a button labeled Log in with your Google Analytics Account. Click on it.

login with your Google Analytics 4

You’ll be prompted to choose your Google account (the one linked to your Google Analytics).

connect analytify with google

After choosing the account, you’ll need to grant Analytify the permissions it requires. Allow the access.

You’ll be redirected back to your WordPress dashboard.

Step 6: Choose Your Preferred Analytics Profile

After saving the access code, navigate to the Profile tab in the Settings of Analytify.

You can select the preferred website’s analytics Profile for posts and profile for dashboard that you’d like to track from the dropdown list.

Save your changes.

choose analytics profile

And there you have it! You’ve successfully installed and activated the free version of Analytify on your WordPress website.

Now you can receive regular updates about your website’s analytics data via email. You can check our detailed guides here to know more about the workings of the Email Notifications add-on. 

Important: All the Analytify Add-Ons should be activated with their respective product keys. 

That’s all! You have successfully installed and activated Analytify Pro on your WordPress website. To ensure Analytify is tracking and reporting on various metrics related to your website’s performance, you must add Google Analytics to your WordPress dashboard. To do so, you can check our detailed guide on How to Add Google Analytics 4 to WordPress Dashboard with Analytify. 

If you have any doubts or questions related to this matter, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.